Chapter Twenty-One: Sick is for the Weak

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He couldn't sleep.

It was currently four in the morning, and the slider was wide awake. It wasn't from his insomnia believe it or not, but instead because of a stuffy nose. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but every so often he would start to sneeze. He tried to make it so that he wasn't sneezing to loud by trying to stop them, but that didn't work. The blue turtle groaned as he stared up at the ceiling.

Has it always been this cold in his room?

He wrapped the covers around him tighter in hopes to get warmer, but it didn't help. He then realized...

He was sick. Not rat flu per say, but just a common fever. Leo got up and took his blanket with him; he knew he wasn't gonna go back to sleep, so he decided to make himself a cup of tea.

Leo walked into the kitchen and grabbed his mug, starting up the kettle in the process. Once the water had boiled he poured it into his mug along with his tea bag. He stood and waited for the tea to settle as he got a lump in his throat. Before anything else, the slider's throat always began to hurt. That was the first step in his sickness, and he always hated it.

Once the tea had finished, he took a sip, making sure to blow on it so that he didn't burn his tongue. He didn't taste anything, and he should have expected that. He was sick after all, his sinuses were all off.

He poured his tea down the drain and shivered. Why did he have to get so cold when he was sick? He was sure the lair was nice and warm, but he couldn't experience it right now. He didn't want to turn on the heat either, since his family would be able to tell something was up. Leo headed to the bathroom to splash some water on his face, and when he looked in the mirror he saw that his eyes were red. That was another thing that happened to the slider when he was sick, and it was a pretty big giveaway to the others that Leo wasn't himself.

Leo headed to his room to lay down again when he saw Donnie heading towards the kitchen. Donnie gave him a quick head nod before he left, Leo doing the same. The slider knew that it was too dark for Donnie to see his eyes, so he hurried over to his room before the softshell could see them.

He laid down in his bed and sighed. He didn't have any jackets like Donnie did, so he couldn't get warm that way. He also didn't know where the clothes that Raph made him were (he threw them in his closet one day, and he just couldn't find them afterwards), so he couldn't layer up the way he wanted to. The only thing he had was blankets, and they were at the top of his closet.

"I don't wanna move," Leo mumbled to himself. "I know I'm lazy, but this is just insane..."

He pulled his blanket from the bed on him, tossing it off every five minutes. He was hot one minute and cold the next, and it began to get frustrating. He groaned as he looked at his phone to see what time it was, and saw that it had only been twenty minutes since he had gotten up to get his tea. He placed his phone back on his side table and sighed.

"You're still not asleep?" He heard Donnie say from his doorway. "Usually your tea helps you."

Leo looked up and smiled at his twin. He had to act like everything was fine, but it didn't really help that it felt like a sona in his room at the moment.

Donnie walked over and sat beside the slider on his bed. He looked at Leo and frowned.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked. "You look a little rough."

"Me? I feel great," Leo responded. He felt a cough coming, and he tried to stifle it, but Donnie realized before he could do anything.

"Are you sick?" He questioned the blue turtle.

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