•°•C H A P T E R 1•°•

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   "Is he late again?" Bill asked Stan, Mike, Ben, and Eddie as he jump-sat onto his bed. "Yea, I can call him if you want." Mike offered, "Why call him, Mikey? If he wanted to not be an asshole he'd show up." Stan scoffed. "Hey! Stan don't talk about Rich like that, dude." Ben said, he was upset with all the fighting, "Ok, all of you calm down. Stan is right, but so is Ben. It shouldn't be said out loud, and yea, go ahead and call him Mikey boy." Eddie sorted things out and smiled at Mike.

  Mike walked back into the room full of angered and upset teens after his call with Richie. Eddie sat up criss cross from his place on the floor where he was laying, "What did he say?". Mike gave him a soft smile, "He's on a date with Conner, again." "Oh.." Eddie's face visibility saddened, but he quickly hid it and moved on, walking over to Bill's closet. "Holy shit dude-" Eddie gasped into a laugh, "you have so many jackets!". "Cause they're sick as fuck, bro!" Bill stepped off his bed and walked over to the closet. Stan started to roll laughing on the bed, "Did you just say 'sick as fuck'?!" He wheezed, "So what if I did, Stan? You told a four year old his robot toy was 'fly' last week." Bill cackled, the whole room filling with the five boys laughter.

  "So much fun with out me, huh?" Richie's voice sang from the bedroom doorway. "What the fuck?! Hey, Rich, how'd you get in here?" Bill turned to look at Richie with a confused look, "Your mom let me in a few minutes ago, nice wheeze, Stan.". Stan gave him two middle fingers "Fuck you dude!". Eddie's face looked between a mixture of confuzion, hurt, and sadness, "I thought you were on a date with Conner." "Yea, I was, we finished early." Richie replied sitting beside Mike and looking at his She-Ra comic, "Oh my God! Did you hear yourself, Richie? What did you finish early? Eachother?" Mike laughed, sitting is head on the wall. "Oh fuck! How did I miss that?!" They all started laughing, except Eddie. He just sat there, looking completely emotionally defeated.

"You ok, Eds?" Richie looked at him worried, "Peachy." Eddie scoffed with a fake smile pulling out his phone and playing on it to avoid talking any further about Conner. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Spaghetti Man?" Richie asked wish a chuckle. "Ok, listen, you ignorant dickwad. My name is Eddie. Eddie. Call me that, or call me nothing." Eddie spat angerly laying down his phone. "Ok," Richie smiled, "Nothing, what's the problem?" "Oh fuck you, dude! Feel free to not finish early with Conner next time!" Eddie flipped him off and picked back up his phone. Stan gave them both an annoyed look "Hey! Dipshits! Stop being rude, this is a hang out not a fuckin SoundCloud diss track. Juesus." "Weird flex, but ok." Bill laughed and everyone soon followed, except for once again, Eddie. He just got up from his spot and left the room with a "I need to go home." "What's his de-" Richie's question was cut off by the sound of Bill's front door slamming.

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