•°•C H A P T E R 15•°•

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Beverly and Eddie just arrived at Bill's and walked down to the basement after being let in by Mrs.Denbrough. They got down the stairs to see Stan and Bill playing rock, paper, sissors, Mike and Ben playing Go Fish and Richie sitting in the floor trying to fix his necklace that had apperatly broke. "Hey hoes!" Eddie announced sitting down beside Richie as Bev sat by Ben. "Don't talk to Bevvy like that, Ed's." Richie joked, "Nah, that was directed towards you, sir." Eddie stuck his tounge out. "Hah! He's got you there, Tozier!" Beverly laughed. "Oh suck my dick!" Rich laughed. Mike starred at him, then Bev, then Ben, then smirked as if he wanted to make a dirty joke. He decided to keep his mouth shut though. "I saw that look, Mikey. Anythin you wanna share with the class?" Bev questioned jokingly, "Oh, it's just, it's not Richie you're sucking." Mike cackled afterwards and the others joined in, even Bev. "Oh screw you!" She laughed and threw a couch pillow at Mike. "No thanks!" He hollered back. Bev rolled her eyes and went back to talking to Ben.

"Hey, Eds?" Richie whispered to Eddie while the others were still laughing. "Yea?" "Do Ben and Bev seem more...I don't know, 'couple-y' to you? Like they are super close, like constant heart eyes. I mean, they always were, but like, it's mega noticable." Rich asked. "Maybe it's cause it's been, what? We're all 16 and 17 so....3 years since they started dating?" Eddie said back. "Hmmm...maybe."

After a bit of hanging out as a group Eddie remembered why he was there. He lead Richie to a different room in the basement. "Woah now, Eds. If you wanted to get it my pants you coulda just said so-" "Chee I'm attempting to be serious!" "Okay, okay! What's up?" Eddie sighed, "About what I said yesterday. You aren't my best friend." "Ouch. Ok then-" "Fuck! Shit! No, damnit! I meant-" Eddie shook his head. "You aren't just my best friend. Ok, well technically you are, but I mean like- I don't want to be just that." Richie looked confused, then happy, then confused again. "Wait do you mean-?" Rich questioned. "I think so?" Eddie hesitantly replied. "I lo- like you. Like alot. Like not just as friends." He said more surely this time. Richie could tell he almost said love. "I love you too, Eds. Not just as friends." He laughed a little. "Did you just-?" "I did. And I meant it."

Oml finally- I couldn't not have Reddie any longer- it was killing me. But- are they official yet?? 👀👀

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