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-Meanwhile back at Ben's-

Beverly walked into the bedroom, "Hey Benny, what's wro-" that's when she saw him holding the test. "Shit!" She whispered. "Ben, I'm so so sorry. I was gonna tell you, but I was scared and I just found out today and Eddie tried to calm me down, but it didn't work and Rich was being a dumbass the whole time. Which made me laugh, but it didn't help too much and I'm sorry I told them first. Eddie is my best friend out of all the losers and Rich was hanging out with us-" She was rambling. "Beverly. I'm not mad, or upset, or anything you probably think I am right now. I'm just kinda surprised, that's all. First things first, are you feeling ok?" Ben asked grabbing her shoulders then pulling her into a loving hug, "Yea, yea I'm doing ok." "Good." They smiled. "Woah- I'm gonna be a dad!" Ben spoke breathlessly, "Yea, babe. You're gonna be a dad." Neither of them had noticed Ben's mom in the doorway, "He's gonna be a what now?!" Ms.Hanscom asked with wide eyes. "Mom-" Ben started, but Bev cut him off. "Ms.Hanscom, I'm so sorry. I haven't entirely decided what I want to do yet, but I know I'm giving birth to my child. I want to raise it as well, but I can cross that bridge when I come to it. If you don't want Ben involed, I understand and I'll leave." "Oh hun, first things first. Call me mom, you're family now. Second of all, this is between you and Ben, so he can decide weather he wants to help or not." Ben's mom stopped and turned to him, "Which you best not abandon this lovely girl, Ben." She turned back to Beverly. "But no matter what happens, I'm gonna help you through the pregnancy. I was younger than you when I had Ben and his father didn't stay. I know how hard this can be." (I know that's not how it is in the book or the movie, but this is a fanfic. Plot convince.) Bev started crying and hugged her, "Thank you so much, mom."

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