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Richie blinked his eyes as he woke up, it didn't help too much though since his glasses were no where to be found. "Eds-" He whispered to the smaller boy, "Yea?" Eddie had just woken up so his voice was weak. "Where are my glasses?" Richie asked as Eddie slightly turned over to face him, "I don't know. I can't see right now. Wait- why the fuck can't I see right now?!" He frantically went to rub his eyes when "Why the fuck am I wearing your glasses?!" He giggled taking them off and putting them on Richie's face. "I don't know-" They looked at eachother lovingly for a minute just smiling. Richie loves moments like this, he loves Eddie's smiles and giggles. They make him feel whole. Richie started to lean in, Eddie followed his lead. It was amazing, it made them both regret waiting so long to kiss. Richie smiled impossibly bigger "I love you, Eds." "I love you too, Chee."

"Wanna see if the losers are awake yet? I'm kinda hungry." Eddie asked playing with Richie's fingers as they held hands. "Yeah, sure." They got up and opened the basement door, not unclasping their hands as they walked up the stairs. They walked into the living room to see Mike no where in sight, " They must be awake." Rich shrugged, they continued through the house to the kitchen still not seeing anyone. "That's weird, maybe everyone is in Bill's room?" Eddie said, though it came out more as a question. "Probably." Richie agreed and they headed upstairs to Bill's room, passing the guest room on the way hearing Ben and Bev talking lightly to eachother. They were almost to Bill's room when the door opened to reveal a shirtless Mike.

It was obvious to both Richie and Eddie that they weren't supposed to see him walking out by the look on his face. "Uh- shit. I mean. Fuck! Heh, good morning guys." Mike fumbled over his words then smiled. "Mornin'." Richie smiled back, not really finding anything suspicious. Eddie on the other hand was not convinced, "Ok, Mike. What's going on here? Is-" He got closer and lowered his voice so just the three could hear, "is Stan cheating on Bill? Like, with you? Cause you guys were exchanging some weird looks last night and I've never seen you go shirtless at a sleepover." Mike and Richie both looked baffled, "What?! No! Well, not really-?" Mike rubbed the back of his neck and cringed..

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