•°•C H A P T E R 19•°•

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"Bev! It's been 10 minutes! You can look now!" Eddie yelled from his bed. She had insisted on staying in the bathroom by herself while the test settled. "Ok!" She yelled back. Eddie moved his hand off of his own face and down to Richie's hand. Richie grabbed it, "You ok, Eds?" Richie asked looking at him, "I'm fine, just worried about Bev. Well, and I'm kinda confused about something, but we'll talk about that when Bev goes to Ben's later. If she still goes." Eddie gripped his hand a little tighter and smiled a weak smile.

"Guys!" Bev yelled opening the bathroom door, "I- I'm pregnant!" She smiled and Richie and Eddie looked confused. "Bev, are you happy?" Eddie asked. "Holy shit! I am! Like I'm really, truely happy. Like, this is gonna be super hard to get through, but I'm having Ben's baby!" "This is- holy fuck, dude!" Richie said hugging Bev. She laughed, "Yea, yea it is." "Should you go tell Ben now?" Eddie asked. "I don't think I'll tell him just yet, but I'm still going to his house tonight." "Ok, Bevvy."

"Bev! We should write a list of baby names!" Eddie shreeked, Richie nodded his head and went to go find paper and a sharpie. "Well ok then, why not! Wait- but should I do this with Ben?" Eddie shook his head "Nah, right some now and when the time comes to name the baby you guys can pick the actually name together." "Oh, ok."

"Alrighty. How about if it's a boy?" Eddie asked sitting with the paper and a red sharpie. "Richie Jr." Richie said. "Oh my god- no!" Beverly shouted into a laugh. "How about Jeremy?" Bev said after thinking for a few minutes. "I like that!" Eddie wrote it down. "How about Jack? Or Dylan?" Richie suggested. "Yea!" Eddie wrote them "Those are so cute!" Bev agreed.

After about an hour they came up with the names Jack, Dylan, Wyatt, Jeremy, Chosen, Finn, Jacob, Sophia, Sadie, Noah, Millie, Maya, and Winona. "Now I love the names we have, but I gotta go. I want to get to Ben's before 8." "Okie dokie, Bevvy. I love you!" Eddie said giving her a hug, then he bent down a little "And I love you too, my niece or nephew!" He said to her stomach. "Awee! My kids are so gonna call the losers uncle!" Bev smiled. "Hell yah! Now give me a hug, Marsh." Richie fist pumped the air and then help his arms out. "I love you, Rich." Bev walked into his hug. "Love ya too, Marsh." He smiled.

Bev got to Ben's and walked up to his room. They said their hellos and Ben gave Bev a kiss. She has sat her purse down without zipping it and went to the bathroom. Ben was sitting on the bed flipping through channels til he found Disney, him and Beverly often watched it while cuddling cause they like the cartoons. Ben's cat Chip was in his room and he walked over the Bev's purse, knocking it off the night stand. The pregnancy test fell out. Ben was picking up the stuff that fell out when he saw it. "Uhm- Hey, Bevvy! Can you c'mere?"

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