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Screams echoed throughout the maternity ward, the boys were pacing the halls. "Is she gonna be ok?" Eddie was basically having a panic attak in the corner. "She'll be fine, Eds." Richie reassured the small boy wrapping him in a hug, the nickname made Eddie smile from ear to ear. Though, he was still terrified for Bev and her baby.

After what seemed like hours of pacing and stress the group was finally allowed into the new mother's hospital room. Eddie was the first to walk in with Richie's arm around his shoulder, the rest of the boys following close behind. He walked up beside his best friend looking down at her, "Hey, Bevvy. Doin ok?" "I'm fine, hun. Amber is so sweet." Beverly cooed glancing over at Ben and the small baby girl in his arms.

"I love the name, but what made you pick Amber?" Richie asked turning to Ben and reaching for the baby. "Cause it sounds like Embers, but I felt like naming a child Ember is a bit odd." Ben explains, while Beverly nods looking incredibly tired.

After everyone comforted Bev and welcomed the new Loser they left the hospital so Ben and Beverly could get settled in as parents and get some sleep before going home.

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