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"Hey, Chee?" "Yeah?" Richie asked looking away from the TV screen. The two were watching Community cause they got bored.  "Can you lighten your grip a little?" Eddie gestured to their hands, neither of them had dared to let go, but Rich was so happy he had started squeezing the other's hand. "Oh! Sorry." He let go of Eddie's hand in embarassment. "No!" Eddie squeaked and Richie smirked, "I- I mean- You didn't have to let go." "I know, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable." "Why would you make me uncomfortable? We used to hold hands all the time as kids." "Because-," Richie sighed heavily, "because it means more to me now. I guess and I'm scared to let you know that." "Why does it mean more now?" Eddie questioned, he didn't know for sure, but he hoped he knew where this was going. "I don't want to talk about it right now, you'll hate me." "Richie Tozier. You idiot Trashmouth! We don't have to talk about it right now, but I love you so much, ok? And nothing is gonna change that. You're my best friend." Eddie reasured him looking him in the eye. "Yea, best friends." Richie slapped on a fake smile and turned back to the TV.

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