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"Oh my god-" Bev spoke breathlessly. "Holy shit! Did you and Benny boy actually-?" Richie hinted at what he meant, "Eddie I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, but yes we did. It was amazing, but you know that how I was treated in middle school makes me scared of all this stuff. I trust you both and I love you both so much, but I was so scared you'd think I'm a slut." "Bevvy, we's never think that! Ben is a great guy and you're 17! To be honest, it would be weird if you were a virgin with that one around." Eddie giggled. "Eds has a valid point." Richie agreed and they all hugged.

After a few minutes they pulled away and Richie looked at Beverly, "I have a 20 in my pocket. I can go get a pregnancy test and some of that chocolate you like, if ya want." He smiled. "Awe thanks Rich! That would be great. Do you want me to come with you?" Bev beamed, she really loves her friends. "Nah, possible mamas to be have to stay with Eds and minorly freak out about what happens if the test is positive." He replied. "Rich! What the fuck!" Eddie called as he entered the door with a bottle of water for Bev, just barely hearing what Richie said. "Well, I mean- Where's the lie, babes?" Bev said truthfully taking the bottle of water. "Touché, Marsh, touché."

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