•°•C H A P T E R 7•°•

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-while Beverly and Eddie were at the concert-

"Hey Rich, baby, I'm so sorry for what happened I didn't know what to do. Henry has always been like that and if he knew I-" Conner started "Oh will you cut the shit, Conner!? You always fucking do this. Not just with him, anyone. I'm tired of it, yea, I get this town was bad about this," he motioned a finger inbetween them, "kind of stuff, but it's fine now. It's just your cousin and his goons who hate us. Y'know why?! Cause he is fucking dumb, and so are you, apperently. You fucked up real bad." Richie yelled at him, "Richie, I know, and I'm so sorry. But I want you back. I need you. You know that." He insisted. "Do you think I'm a joke, Conner?!" He screamed this time, stepping out of the house, shutting the door and slightly shoved Conner. "Conner, I don't want to fight with you on this. All I'm gonna say is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for wasting my time on your stupid, selfish ass. Oh, by the way, I found out about you and Gretta. I hope she makes you really happy, C." Richie was on the verge of tears.

"Fuck. You." Conner snapped. "Ha! You wish." Rich scoffed, "I'm leaving. You should too, and don't fucking talk to me, ever again." He shoved past Conner and started walking to only place he really ever wanted to be. Eddie's.

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