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"What if Jesus was actually gay and instead of saying 'amen' he was just saying 'Ah, men'?" Richie thought out loud turning to look at Eddie, "Hey, Richie?" He asked in return. "Yea?" Eddie slowly turned to him, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING, DUDE?!" They both started cackling. "Oh my God we are so stupid!" Eddie wheezed out, Richie started clapping in amusement. "I know!" Richie continued clapping until he fell off the bed. "Oh my God, Rich!"

Eddie ran over to the other side of the bed to where Richie landed. "Are you ok?" He asked, sitting down on the floor next to Richie, "I'm f-fi-fine!" Richie tried to speak, but he was still laughing too hard. Eddie started giggling again, "Rich! You're literally gonna piss yourself, stop!" Richie sat up and and ran for the bathroom, "I gotta take a whiz!" "Did you seriously just fucking say whiz?" "Yes!" Richie yelled from the bathroom. Eddie rolled his eyes and sat back on his bed as Richie's phone light up:

Conner: Hey, baby, please forgive me-


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