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-During Eddie's phone call,
back at Bill's-

"Is he ok?" Richie asked to whoever would answer, "Well obviously not, asshat." Stan replied tapping the beck of Richie's head. "Ouch! What the fuck, Uris?!" "Stan, calm down. Richie, you're so fucking stupid sometimes." Mike stopped the argument before it could start. "What the hell does that have to do with Eddie?" Richie asked, oblivious to the whole situation. "Hmm, w-well you two have only 's-secretly' liked each other sine the first grade. N-nothing much." Bill said like it was common sense, it kinda was. "Have not! Eddie is straight, and I have Conner now." Richie argued back. Ben, who had previously been silent, broke into unstoppable laughter, "I know you're bi, but don't you still have a gaydar?!" He wheezed. "Umm..yea, your point?" Richie was now sitting on the floor, head in hands, confused.

"Well, apparently not. He loves you, Rich." Mike stated, patting him on the back as a way of adding humor to the quite serious confession. Richie began to tear up, but he didn't let the others see, "WELL I DON'T LOVE HIM! OK?! IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT!" Richie yelled, masking the sound of Bill's door opening. "Y-you guys k-knew-?" Eddie walked in, eyes full of tears.

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