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Bill looked completely baffled "W-what?!" Stan nudged him with his elbow, "That's amazing, Bevvy!" "I'm so gonna help take care of that little devil!" Mike yelled in excitement.

After they talked about Bev's pregnancy for roughly an hour and decided she wanted to get used to this being the norm, they went back to the game. Bev spun the bottle, it landed in Mike. "Ok, Mikey boy, surprise us." Richie teased. "I'm pan." Mike stated matter-of-factually. "WHAT?!" Everyone in the whole room exclaimed...except for Stan? Whatever. "I, like as in me. Mike Hanlon, am pansexual." He muttered something else under his breath and wink in the direction of Stan, causing Stan to smile, but no one else heard. That's...odd. Everyone gave Mike a hug and congratulated him for coming out, just as he was about to spin he added, "Oh! And I have crushes." Then spun, so according to the rules of the game, no one could ask who.

The rest of the game was basically uneventful compared to the three huge bombshells they just got. Richie and Eddie dating, a pregnant Bev, and Mike is pan?! What a crazy evening. They decided that since they had a few more days of the multi-day sleepover, so the movies could wait and retired to bed. Ben and Bev got the guest room, Bill and Stan got Bill's room, Richie and Eddie got the basement, and Mike got the living room...or so they thought.

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