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"That's all, right? Nothing too couple-y other than the hand holding?" Bev asked starring at Eddie. "Well I did have to tell him that I love him no matter what and that he is my best friend." "Eddie!" "What?!" "That's why he didn't go anything. He thinks you friendzoned him! You called him your best-"

"-friend!? Ouch, man. Welcome to the friendzone." Mike spoke patting Richie's shoulder. "C'mon this is Eddie we're talking about! He's straight as the letter 's' and he's had the hots for Rich since the 4th grade!" Stan yelled from the bathroom. "Really?" Richie asked. "I dunno, seems like it though." Stan said. "I know something, but Bev said if I told she'd knee my nuts." Ben informed the losers (minus Bev and Eddie), he wasn't scared of her, but no one tests Bev. "SIMP!" They all shouted at Ben in unison and giggled. "That's coming from the gay power couple of the group and the CEO of simp nation!" Ben snapped back, "I'm CEO aren't I-" Richie started. "Yep. Defenitly CEO." Mike laughed. It was the morning after Eddie and Richie's sleepover and they both made up excuses to go so they could talk to the others about what happened. "Am I the only one who th-thought simp meant simpleton? Like s-stupid?" Bill asked. "HAHHA! Oh my God, Billy you are so silly." Stan giggled. "Like oh my god, Billy! You're like so silly! Teehee wanna go like makeout, or whatever?" Richie mocked in a high pitch bitch voice. Stan flipped him off.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Why did I say best friend?!" Eddie screamed into his pillow while Bev rubbed his back. "Hey, it's ok, hun." Bev comforted, Eddie just frustratingly screamed into the pillow again. "Babes, I think they're at Bill's if you wanna go talk." "Yea, that's probably a good idea." "Ok, I'll text Bill and you should put on clothes not PJs cause it's confession time my child." "You sound like a Jedi or some shit, Bevvy." "gO gEt DrEsSeD yOuNg PadAwOn!" (Don't hurt me if I spelled that wrong.) "Oh my god-" Eddie laughed at Bev and walked into the bathroom.

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