•°•C H A P T E R 5•°•

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  That night. The one and only. The one night everyone in the losers club hates talking about. Most obviously Eddie, everyone knows he hates it. It has many names, That night, The Nail Polish insident, Nirvana Polish, The Call, The Mistake, ECT., ECT. The point is, it. Was. Fucking. Terrible.

  It happened roughly 8 months ago. Richie was spending the night at Eddie's, per usual. Richie  had his back against the headboard, his legs spread a little with Eddie sitting in between them, back to stomach, with Richie's arms around Eddie. They were watching MTV, Richie's choice, when they got bored, "I could paint your nails, if ya want?" Eddie said started to get up before realizing Richie was actually holding him tightly this time. "Let me get up, Chee." Eddie tried to look mad, but he just looked adorable, "What if I don't want to." Richie chuckled and pulled tighter on Eddie's waist. "Well I want to paint your nails! Let me go-" Eddie whined dragging out the 'o'. "How about no." Richie dragged out the 'no' mimicking Eddie's higher voice, "I'll fight you, hoe." Eddie said jokingly. Richie let go of Eddie's waist, just to start tickling him, "Oh you are huh?" "Rich! Stop!" Eddie laughed through saying stop, "Fight me, Ed's, I'm waiting!" He stopped tickling him and crossed his arms around Eddie's torso and pulled him close again. "Eww! Richieee stop being so sappy!" Eddie squirmed. "We can't bicker without sounding like an old married couple one time, can we?" Richie joked. "Ok, one, we act more like a couple than Bev and Ben and we're just friends so that's something, and two, let's get one thing clear, You sir, are the one who pulled me this close." Eddie corrected finally able to get up, walking over to his nails polish.

"Ok, Tozier. What color?" Richie joined him and started looking at all the colors, "Christ Eds, you runnin' an illegal salon in here or some shit?!" He asked picking up a dark blue then sitting it back down. Then he saw it. The nail polish. Probably the only nail polish in history that now has significant value to one or more people. "Black with yellow glitter!?" Richie asked, probably too excited about a bottle of nail polish, "You want that one?" Eddie asked. "Do I want that one? Uhm yes! It's like Nirvana, but gay." Richie said taking the polish and sitting back against the head bored of Eddie's bed. Eddie giggled and sat criss-cross on the bed in front of him, "Sure." "You have to label this one Nirvana Polish. Please, for the love of God." Richie went on handing it to Eddie. "If it'll make you shut up I'll put in in its own glass case." "Really??" "No, moron."

Eddie had been painting Richie's nails for 10 minutes at his point, he was finishing up when- "Hey Eds, can I- uhm, can I tell you something?" Richie said nervously. "Yea, of course, Chee. What's wrong?" Eddie looked in Richie's eyes, "I don't want you to hate me, ok?" "Richie, did you kill someone?!" Richie's eyes widen at that and he laughed, "Oh my God, Eddie. No, I just don't want you to kill me after I say this." Richie reached his hand with the dry nails up to cup Eddie's cheek. "Rich?" Eddie was confused, but he thought he knew what was happening and he wasn't mad about it. "Eddie, I think I-" there it is. The call. That dreaded fucking ring that ruined it all. "Fucking hell." Richie muttered and pulled out his phone. "Oh shit! I have like 20 texts from Conner!" He took note then answered Conner's call. Eddie sat back, unhappy and annoyed as all hell. "Hello? Conner?" Richie looked worried, "C, what's wrong?! Why are you crying?!" Richie was scrambling off the bed and trying to find his jacket. "Rich, what's wrong?!" Eddie was worried too now. "Ok, it'll be fine. I'll be right there. Main, you said? Ok. Yes, I'm sure. No, I'm not busy. Eddie'll be fine. Conner! Hang up, I'll be there soon!" With that Richie hung up the phone and turned to Eddie. "This is super important, Conner needs me. I'll be back if I can." And then, he left. Eddie called Bev and told her everything that night. Richie never showed up, and he wouldn't answer the phone until the next morning, all the losers met at Bill's because Richie said he had news. "Guys. I'm with Conner. Like we're together. Like dating." Richie said. That's the exsact moment Eddie's heart shattered.

"Fuck." Eddie said snapping out of the sickening memory focusing back on Bev painting his nails. "You ok, hun?" Bev said in her motherly tone. "Yea, I'm ok Bevvy."

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