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After what happened in Bill's basement Richie and Eddie are even more inseperable than usual. Richie has been staying at Eddie's just as much as Bev, so the three of them were hanging out when Bev ran to Eddie's bathroom and puked her guts out.

"Christ almighty, Bevvy! Did you go out drinking with Jenna last night or something?!" Eddie asked helping clean her up while Richie frantically googled what would make her puke that bad going through the list. "No! I haven't drank in a couple weeks." She confirmed. "Ok, uhm- do you have the flu?" Rich asked starring at his phone. "I don't have any of the symptoms. Right, babes?" She looked at Eddie. "Right." He confirmed. "Uhm- ok. Eat anything weird lately?" Richie asked shifting in his seat on the edge of the bathtub. Bev was sitting on the toilet lid and Eddie was sitting criss cross in front of her. "Literally no- anything other than dark chocolate and grapes makes me nauseous recently." Eddie looked at Richie who returned his look as he read the next possibility. "Bevvy, are you pregnant-?"

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