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Eddie was waiting for Richie on his porch as promised, he hated to admit it but he missed the dumbass. He missed his jokes, he missed his laugh, he missed his voice, he missed his love. Eddie's thoughts were interrupted by a loud honk. "Here we go.." he sighed and walked up to the car.

"Hi Eds,-" "Don't talk, drive." "Christ, fine. Why you gotta be so mean?" "Hmm, I don't know Taylor Swift why don't you tell me?" "Ouch. You pain me, Edward." "Fuck you." "Gladly," "D R I V E."

Richie gave up on trying to solve literally anything between them and payed more attention to the road, Eddie crossed his arms and looked out the window. After a few minutes of silent debating, he decided to turn on the radio hoping that Richie still had a semi decent taste in music.

🎶 Eddie, my love 🎶

Eddie looked at Richie with a slightly annoyed, but still noticably red face, "Are you shitting me?" "If you don't like it, turn it off." "Ok, but why is that playing?" "Just cause it has your name in it doesn't mean it's about you, Mr. Drama Queen. God damn." Eddie scoffed, "Fuck. You. Dude. It was still about me to you though, wasn't it?" Richie half smiled to hide the obvious pain in his face, "Hell yea it was, but that's none of your business and you don't care." The smaller boy's face dropped, "Woah- who the fuck said I don't care about you, Rich?" "Uhm- you did when you kicked me out before letting me explain?? The fuck?"

"Are you still upset about that?!" "You're joking. I will GLADLY let Beverly beat me up if it means I can stop this car and fucking explain to you why I'm still upset and why you should be too." "Rich, please don't, pregnant Bev scares me." "Just pregnant Bev? Cause like- ALL of Bev scares me." "Touché."

The boys sat in silence until they arrived at the hospital, "Are you actually not upset about us anymore, Eds?" "Of course I'm still upset. I love you." "What?!" "Nothing, C'mon, we need to go witness the birth of a new loser, ya loser." "Screw you." Richie laughed and they got out of car.

  'Did I just say that?'
'Did he just say that?'

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