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"Did he just say 'wack'?" Stan asked Eddie, "Not the time, Stanley." Eddie announced as he walked out of the room to follow Richie.

Mike smirked, then looked confused, "Y'know, he has a point. Our lives are really, really bizare. Beverly is literally in labor right now. With Ben's baby! Richie and Eddie dated and now they aren't talking, and we're a couple. All three of us. Who woulda thought?" Bill grabbed his hands and squeezed it,"Mikey, hun, are you ok?" "I feel like a grandpa." Mike stated with a half frown then went back to his smiley self after Bill kissed his cheek.

Eddie opened the door to the bathroom slowly, knowing that Richie's joke was just to hide the fact he wanted to cry. "Hey Rich?" Eddie questioned softly, already hearing the boy's quiet sniffles.

Richie looked away from the mirror wipping his eyes to face Eddie, "Hey, Eddie. Somethin' wrong?" "Rich, I know you. You aren't ok, and I think you need to talk to someone." Eddie admitted standing closer to him. Richie sighed heavily, "Who am I gonna talk to? I don't wanna ruin Mike, Bill, and Stan's mood. They are so happy! Ben and Bevvy are gonna be parents in a few hours, and you fucking hate my guts. I have no one. I'll be fine." He then pushed past the smaller boy gently to leave the bathroom.

Eddie lightly grabbed his arm,"Rich, stop. Please. I don't hate you, everything was such a huge misunderstanding and then I felt bad, but I hurt you and I didn't know what to do and I'm sorry." Richie just burst into tears. Eddie pulled him into a hug, though it was hard with their very noteable hight difference. "Eddie, I-" "You know you can call me Eds, right? I never actually hated it." Richie pulled away and looked down at him, "I know that, I just didn't wanna upset you. I kinda figured I'm on thin ice." "Rich. I missed you so fucking much it was painful. You aren't on thin ice, actually I-"

Mike just through the door, "Beverly is have contractions, like really close ones!" Bill yelled from behind him, "The b-baby is coming!!"

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