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- One week after Bill's -

  "Ed, hun, you need to talk to him at some point." Beverly whined from Eddie's closet, picking him out an outfit for a local concert they're going to later. "Literally, not I don't, Bev." Eddie was currently looking through his color coded selection of nail polish sitting on his vanity, "I mean for real, why would I need too?" "Because weather you like it or not, your whipped for him and you guys being mad at eachother is a bitch fight waiting to happen, babes. Not that I wouldn't pay to see that shit." Bev turned around with a black shirt in hand, Eddie shook his said as if to say 'nope.' and she turned back to keep looking.

  "I'm not mad. I just wish it was me." The mood of the room shifted from light and teasing to heavier and kinda sad, Bev walked over to where Eddie was starting at a certain bottle of nail polish. "Black with yellow glitter?" She asked in a knowing tone. "Black with yellow glitter." Eddie responded, "I think I wanna use this one, Bevvy.". "Whatever you want to do, hun." She said and gave him a hug before continuing her search for an outfit that says 'I'm, gay. But the:'dont-touch-me-im-in-love-with-my-best-friend type gay' as she called it. Eddie found that quite offensive, but saddly accurate. "Ah-hah!" Beverly shouted and half walked, half danced back over to Eddie. "Look! It's perfect!" She shreeked. "Bev, that's so, how do I put this-? Pastel? Soft? 'Baby boy is my nickname'-y?" He replied. "Well, duh. It's a Wallows concert. It fits the aethtetic, bb." Beverly huffed, "Oh! And I made sure it had yellow, so you can pine over Richie in nail polish form and not look dumb." "Ouch, Bevvy, ouch."


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