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Its been about 3 days since the cuddling thing and no one has so much as tried to talk about it. Richie is scared Eddie doesn't mean it, Eddie is scared Richie isn't actually over Conner, Bev doesn't want Eddie to be mad or upset with her, and quite frankly the rest of the losers are just confused. Still, Beverly and Eddie are hanging out at his house like normal.

They had been talking about their usual topics. Music, celebrites, outfits, photography, space, ect. when Eddie looked at her with tear filled eyes. "Hey, woah. Hun, what's wrong?" Bev asked pulling him close to her chest. "Why don't I just have the guts to tell h-him, Bevvy?" Eddie spoke through his tears and relaxing into her touch. Bev always makes Eddie feel so much better, she gives amazing advice and great hugs, she's like the mom Eddie deserves. "Hun, it's because you're scared of rejection. That's a totally normal fear, but you shouldn't have it with Rich. He loves you more than words can say and everyone can see that. Even Ben, and I mean look at how oblivious Ben was before I asked him out. That's saying something. I'm not saying you should just go for it, maybe wait for the right moment or do something cute, or maybe he'll do something cute, I have been talking to Stan about this so maybe he finally talked some sense into him." Bev admitted looking down at Eddie, slightly scared for his response to the last part. "You what now?!" Eddie pulled away from her chest and sat up. "You- You guys have been- Actually, thank you Bev. Maybe," Eddie sighed and basically accepted defeat, "maybe this is a good thing." "Oh thank God, I thought you were gonna kill me! And for the record, I didn't just text Stan and tell him all of your side of the story. I said that you were acting odd after Friday and he said the same about Richie, so we started talking about it." Bev gave him another big hug. "Now, Ben and I have to go to some weird dog birthday party for his cousin. Y'know, the weird one with the twelve dogs. Anyway, I'm gonna go and I think you should invite Richie over." Eddie laughed for a minute at the very weird plans Ben and Bev always have and nodded his head. "Ok, but only to hang out and MAYBE something will happen. Maybe." "Good enough for me, babes. Ok, I gotta go. I love you byeee!" Beverly gave him another hug. "I love you too." Then Bev turned and left.

Eddie sat on his bed starring at Richie's contact for a little bit. This will be the first time in months that it was purposely just them at his house. The first time since the nail polish. That thought made Eddie look at his hand, the nail polish was still there from the concert. It was just very, very faded. He shook his head as if to shake the thought and finally pressed call.

E: Hey
R: Hey, Eds! What's up?
E: Nothin much, wanna come over?
R: Sure! Sleepover or just to hang out?

Eddie thought for a second.

E: Fuck it. Sleepover.
R: Alrighty, I'll be over in fifteen.
E: Kk, see ya.
R: See ya.

Eddie hung up and leg go of a breath he had no idea he was holding.

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