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Richie and Eddie's ride home had been silent so far. No, not the pleasent comfortable silence you get around friends. The long, heavy, slightly sad silence that you can feel when something big has gone unsaid.

Richie had been thinking about the bathroom subconsciously since they got in the car, Eddie's cut off sentence echoing in his head like when he'd wear earbuds to sleep. Once he realized exsactly how long they'd been quiet and stuck in their thoughts, he spoke, "Um, hey Eds?"

"Yea?" Eddie asked in return, turning his head from the window to meet the side of Richie's face. "What did you wanna say in the bathroom? If you don't want to talk that's fine I just kinda thought maybe we could be friends again at least and that sometimes requires communication, so-"

"Rich, you're rambling." "I know, I'm just- nervous? For some reason I'm nervous right now." Richie knew exsactly why he was nervous, but he didn't want to push anything with Eddie. If they never got back together, if they just stayed friends, even if Eddie married some other guy, he'd die a happy man knowing Eddie loved him once. All he ever wanted was to make him laugh. To make him happy, to protect him, to make him feel loved. And if he did that for the rest of his life, even platonticly, he'd be happy.

No, this is definitely not the end, I just felt like I needed a slightly more sad chapter focusing on how Richie really feels.

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