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Beverly played on her phone and texted Ben for about an hour before she came to the conclusion that Richie and Eddie were going to sleep until the next night. Not really, but it was already 3 in the afternoon and they had yet to even stretch in thier sleep, so she left Eddie a note and went to go on a date with her beloved Ben.

Eddie woke up to his phone vibrating on the night stand. It was a text from Bev,
B: U up yet sleeping beauty?
E: I am now
B: is Richie awake?

That's when the arms around Eddie's waist became noticable to him. He smiled and blushed, turning back to his phone.
E: No, not yet
B: are you guys still cuddling? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
E: yes. And Bev did you really just use a Lenny face??
B: I did indeed just use a Lenny face. Now go cuddle your manz until he wakes up and you guys have one of those super akward conversations.
E: I despise you sometimes. Also he isn't 'my manz'. He just broke up with HIS manz, Bevvy
B: yea. Ok-

Eddie rolled his eyes and sat his phone back down and rolled so his chest was against Richie's. He buried his face into Richie's chest and wrapped his arms around his midsection. "Well good morning to you too, Eds." Eddie's eyes shot open and he looked up, "I- You- I thought-" He stuttered and tried to get off the bed, but Richie pulled him in tighter. "Can we please just lay like this. Y'know, while awake for a little while?" Rich asked nervously. "Sure, Chee." Eddie said taking the place he had a few minutes ago with his face pressed against Richie. They both felt so happy and content, but they were both too scared to state the obvious to the other.

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