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Richie always wanted to be with Eddie, but after what almost happened at Eddie's that night so many months ago, he got scared. He was so terrified that Eddie wouldn't feel the same, or he would freak out, or they wouldn't last and he couldn't take that. So, when Conner asked him out he went for it. Now here he is, standing on Eddie's porch in the dark.

Eddie got out of the car, "Rich?! What are you doing here??" He questioned walking up to him. Richie was sniffling, he had been crying on the walk over. "I broke up with Conner. He went too far trying to protect his ego from Henry on our date today, then about an hour or so ago he came over to apologise and I ended it with him. He was cheating on me with Greta anyway." Richie explained. "Oh Chee, I'm so sorry." Eddie gave him a hug, "No. I'm sorry, Eds. For- for what I said at Bill's. You never got the whole story about that and I'm sorry." "Shh, we can talk about it later, Rich. You wanna come in and hang out with me and Bev?" Eddie asked taking his head off of Richie's chest and smiling up at him. "Sure." He smiled back down at him.

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