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Eddie ran all the way outside. He couldn't stand hearing another word about Conner and his stupid, ugly, dumb, face. Once he got to the stop sign at the end of Bill's street he pulled out his phone and called Bev.

"Hey Eddie! Wait. It's boys night. What happened??"

"Fucking Conner Bowers."

"Rich brought him?!"

"No, but oh boy did they all talk about him."

"Hold up- 'did'?"

"I- I um- Well I ran outside. And down the street."

"Eddie! Honey! No.."


"Go back in there and get your mans!"

"Beverly. No. He isn't 'my mans'."

"Ugh. Whatever, babes. Just go back, eh? They don't know, so therefore they can't help it. So go back and pipe down, or tell them and meet me at the clubhouse."

"Annnndddd that's a whole lot of fuck no. I'll just go back and say it was a false alarm and Sonia just wanted me to get a refill from Keene's."

"Ight. Imma go then."

"Ok, love ya Bev."

"Love ya too, babes."

Eddie hung up the phone and started to walk back to Bill's.

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