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    "Earth to Trashmouth!" Eddie said slightly concerned but with a warm smile at the nickname he used. Memories. Richie snapped out of his thoughts for what seemed like the tenth time that night, "Shit- Yea?" Eddie looked at him worridly "Rich, you passed my house like four minutes ago. Are you okay?".  "What if I'm taking you somewhere else?" Richie said in his smarty tone. "Like where? It's almost eleven p.m., Rich!" "So? You got a hot date?" Eddie lightly smacked Richie's shoulder and went back to looking out the window, a huge smile plastered on his face.

  Richie finally parked the car off to the side of the rode after driving about another ten minutes. Eddie quickly realized where they were, "Is there a reason why we are at the quarry right now?" "Of course there is, doesn't mean you know the reason, though."

  They walked along a now slightly over-grown dirt path to the quarry and sat on the edge, Eddie asked why they were they were there a few more times before Richie started talking, "Well, now hear me out. I got this idea in the car. I thought I'd do this whole thing, right?" "You already lost me, Chee." "Just listen, Eds. I remember when we were really little, like six or seven, before Beverly started hanging out with us and the others 'cause she was a girl, thusly she had coodies-" He rambled for a minute then got back on track, "me and you came here together and sat right over there, right on that tiny rock. I fell off my bike on the way here and scrapped my knees to hell and back, but it didn't matter cause little doctor K had Hello Kitty band-aids handy in the ol' second fanny pack." Eddie giggled, "Holy shit! I can barley remember having one after a while! I forgot about the second one! Oh my lord, my fake-ass bifocals!"

 Richie laughed too, "Pfft- yeah!" "Anyway," he began to continue, "We were little so I had no idea what the feeling in my tiny little chest was yet. Until a couple years later, of course. I think it was Stan's thirteenth birthday and we can down here to swim. You got all scared and and didn't wanna jump, so, we sat right here and held hands for a while.." Richie slowly grabbed Eddie's hand and held it in his own. "Rich- I-" Eddie stared, getting more flustered as Richie went on. "This loud mouth isn't done quite yet, Spegedward." Eddie sighed, but he was still smiling like a fool. "Now, that day was when the quick phase of really, really wishing you were a girl kicked in. However, that shit ended quickly cause I couldn't lie to myself and say that there was a single thing I'd change about your dumbass." He sniffled and chuckled, "Then, right behind us on the tree stump is where I came to cry when you showed up to a school dance with a girl in our class. I also just came here to think about things alot as a kid, mostly you. God, If i could time travel or some shit and tell little seven year old Richie Tozier that in ten years he'd be trying to tell that same Eddie Kaspbrak that the feeling in his chest was pure, unfiltered, undying, super duper fucking gay, love. I would. 'Cause then maybe my dumbass woulda done it sooner." 

 Both of them were now full on crying, but fuck if Eddie was gonna let that beautiful speech go to waste. Eddie reached up and put his free hand on Richie's cheek and leaned up kissing him softly, "I love you, too. I wish you had told me when we were thirteen, and way before Conner, but then I wouldn't have gotten that really cheesy speech, huh?" He whispered with a smile after pulling away. Richie pulled Eddie into a hug kissing the hair on top of his head, "You know it was always you, right?" Richie breathed out into Eddie's soft hair. Eddie moved his head to look up at Richie, "I do now."

  "-And that's how we officaly started dating, without breaking up anyway. Imagine how much we laughed when we realized it could of never happened if it weren't for Eddie's jealousy. Right,hun?" Richie finished speaking and turned to Eddie. A now twenty some year old Amber let out a series of awes along with her mother. Bill, Mike, and Stan's twin girls, now 14, giggled. Richie and Eddie's youngest Eden, age seven, rambled about coodies. Their middle child Adam, also 14, smiled while the oldest Maggie (named after Richie's mom), age 16, yelled "Way to go dads!". The losers just smiled, all happy and content. They loved having reunions, because as far as they're concered this is family, when they are all together as losers with their kids they're happy. The smiles turned to giggles when Eddie muttered a "You never did stop being a loud mouth." Before kissing his husband lovingly.

A/N: HOLY SHIT THIS WAS THE END! Sorta plot twist, eh? T'was told through memories of two gay old husbands to a groups of childs! ha-ha! If anyone has any questions or if you want me to do one of those 'ask the characters questions and they'll answer' things comment them here and ill make a chapter to do so! Thank you to everyone who read all of this. I'm so proud of it. I hope you liked the ending! {I typed this on my laptop btw so i cant put emojis and the typos are a plenty} <3

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