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Beverly left Eddie's about half an hour ago, so Richie and Eddie were watching horror movies. "This movie is so terrible, but like hilariously terrible." Eddie said laughing, "That's probably the best thing about 80's horror movies, Eds." Richie said. "What's this called again?" "Sleepaway Camp, it's possibly one of my favorite horror movies." Richie reminded Eddie. "Ew! Why is he so gross what the fuck?!" Eddie was talking about the cook, Richie laughed and pointed at the screen "He reminds me of Bowers oh my God! ahahah!" Eddie laughed with him, "Holy shit! You are so right!"

"Eds, should we talk about whatever had you confused earlier?" Richie asked when the movie ended. "You mean the movie? Cause I'm still confused about that shit." Richie chuckled, "No, I mean even you held my hand earlier. You said you were worried about Beverly and something was confusing you." "Oh. Uhm- Rich?" "Yesh?" Richie said in a funny voice. "What are we?" "Gay." "No! Well, yea, but what are we? Like is there an us?" Eddie was trying to get his point across with out saying 'dating'. "I- I don't know- Do you want us to be a thing? Cause I do, like really bad." "Oh my God! Yes, Tozier! I wanna be your boyfriend." Eddie yelled. "Well good, cause I wanna be yours!" Richie yelled back. "Why are we yelling?" Eddie asked. "Not a clue." Richie laughed.

They were half way through Sleepaway Camp 2 when Eddie randomly giggled, "Holy shit." "What are you laughing at, Giggles?" Rich teased. "I'm dating the guy I've been literally pining after since like first grade and I haven't told my best friend yet cause she's at her baby daddy's house. Life is fuckin crazy." Eddie sighed. Richie smiled at him, he finally has the love of his life "Geez. It really is, huh?"

Lmao I know that sounds like an ending, but I stg it's not. That ain't coming for a long time.

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