•°•C H A P T E R 9•°•

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The three friends have been listening to music and being thier silly selves for about two hours now. However, roughly ten minutes ago Richie sat on Eddie's bed just to watch him and Bev dance. Not in a creepy way, he just likes to watch from the sidelines sometimes and that's okay.

Eddie stopped dancing and looked over at Richie, "Chee! Can you play your playlist? This is the last song on mine and Bev's phone is dead." He asked the taller boy, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Sure." Rich smiled and hooked his phone up to the Bluetooth speaker they'd been using. Everyone went back to dancing like idiots, including Richie, but then a song came on that was... interesting. Oh god- please don't hit the chorus- Richie thought as soon as the song started playing. He had seconds to change it. "Won't don't we change the song, eh?" He asked blushing a little. "What? No, this song sounds cool." Bev protested. Then the lyric came.

Oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms tonight?

Beverly shipped her head around to look at Richie, "Did that just say Eddie?" She was utterly confused, as one would be. "...Yeah." Rich confessed, he turned red as a tomato and tried to hide his face in his hands. "Hey Chee, what is this song called anyway?" Eddie asked him, it was obvious he was freaking out but he isn't going to admit it. "It's called Eddie Baby.." Richie felt two seconds away from jumping out Eddie's bedroom window. "Oh. Cool! I like it." Eddie replied and just went on with being dumb with Bev. Richie was speechless. Dumbfounded. Annoyed? No. Surprised,maybe? No. Realived? Yea, maybe that's it.

Eddie was getting tired so it was time to talk about where everyone was sleeping. "I could sleep on the floor." Richie offered. "No, it's ok. I usually take the bed with Eddie, but I can spare one night." Bev had a plan, you could tell by her face. Eddie glared at her and spoke with gritted teeth, "You sure about that, Bevvy?" "Yes I'm sure about that Bevvy." Bev said back in teasing tone. "Ok then, your pillow and blankets are in the closet. I washed them the other day." Eddie said trying to relax. "Her pillows and blankets? She keeps stuff here?" Richie was sorta confused. "Yea, I basically live here in the summer so I just keep some of my favorite blankets here, even though I don't really need them cause it's hot as fuck. Hell, I even have some clothes in Eddie's empty drawers." She laughed out. "Ohh, ok." Richie replied. After a few minutes everything was situated and everyone was where they're sleeping. "Night, Bevvy. I had fun at the concert." Eddie spoke across the room to where Bev was sleeping in a blanket nest on the floor. "Night, babes. I did too." She smiled.

Richie was freaking out. He dozed off shortly after Eddie did and woke up around 3:00 a.m. to find that he was cuddling the smaller boy. He went to go roll over when Eddie stirred beside him, "Chee, why are you moving? I want cuddles." Judging by the way Eddie slurred and dragged out his words he was half asleep and had no idea what he was admitting to. "O-ok." Richie blushes and curled back up to him. They both fell back asleep that way.

"Look! They're cuddling!" Bev whispered into her phone. She was so happy that her plan worked, so she was sending Snapchat videos to the Loser's group chat. Richie woke up from her quiet fan girlish shrieking, "Mmm...what the hell, Beverly?" He asked in a tired annoyed voice, little did he know she just started a new video. "You guys are cuddling!!" "I know Captain Obvious, he said he wanted to cuddle last night. I thought it was cute-, I mean I was tired so I went with it." Richie changed his sentence's course and wiped the smirk from his face. He had yet to notice Bev still recording. "Smooth, Tozier. I heard that." She laughed, "Oh shut up, Marsh!" He teased back. "Now go away, cause if you wake him up and he regrets cuddling me, I'll die." Richie announced basically outing his love right there. "And why is that, huh?" Bev smirked at him. "I think you know. I figured Stan would've told you guys by now. It's been months. Now go back to bed and let me be a hopeless soul please." He admitted and curled back into his original position.

- The 'Operation Reddie' Group Chat-
Mike: WOAH- What?!
Bill: Stanny- what do you know?
Bev: Yea Stanny Boy-
Ben: that's so cute!
Stan: We all know he's in love this him, c'mon now.
Mike: you got me there.
Bill: You aren't wrong, Stan
Bev: Ok, but did you guys know that Eddie is like- head over heels for his dumb ass??
Ben: WOAH-
Stan: Oh my lord, Bev are you plotting something?
Bev: Uhm- duh.
Mike: oh boy-
Ben: I kinda figured, I mean- the name of the chat kinda says it all.
Bill: Fair point, Ben

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