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The losers decided to end the sleepover earlier than planned, now that all of them had thier own realationships they wanted to go on dates and do couple-y stuff. None of them were complaining though. Ben and Bev have some doctor's appointments to make, Mike, Stan, and Bill have some general realationship stuff to figure out for themselves, and Richie and Eddie just want to bask in the realization that they're in love.

Eddie and Richie went back to Richie's place, his parents were out for different reasons, not that he really cared what. Eddie was sitting in between Richie's legs as they listened to music, they both really love music. It expresses more emotion then words ever could. "Hey Rich, lemme see your phone." "Why?" "I found a long that was basically written for us, and I want you to hear it!" Richie laughed and handed Eddie the phone. Eddie went on YouTube and typed in the song and sat the phone on the nightstand, he stood up and grabbed Richie's hand. "Wait. Is this True Love?" Richie asked with a smile on his face, "Why yes, it is." Eddie smirked. "Now dance with me!" "You're bossy, y'know that, Eds?"

They started dancing like idiots when the lyrics started. Eddie looked at Richie and started singing, "Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say~" Richie giggled and joined in, "There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down~" They were both singing now. "I know life would suck without you!"

They danced for a few more lines until Eddie looked at Richie and sang "You're and asshole, but I love you." "Geez Eds, did you write this?!" "You'll never know, muahahaha!" Eddie fake evil laughed, sending Richie into a fit of laughter, "You're really something, Eddie." "Is that a good thing?" "Of course it is!" Eddie rolled his eyes and stood in front of Richie, wrapping his arms around his neck, "I love you, idiot." Richie caught on and put his hands on Eddie's waist. "That sentence was awfully conflicting, Eds." "But it's true. You are an idiot." Eddie said with a fake serious face. Richie laughed a little. "You wound me." "I didn't finish. You're an idiot, but I still love you." "I love you too. Now give me a kiss." Eddie leaned up to give Richie a kiss when Richie lifted him off the ground, "Hey! Put me down, Richie!" "No." Richie smirked at him. "You're gonna drop me!" "So then wrap your legs around me, Eds. Its simple." "Ugh! Fine."

Eddie did as he said and wrapped his legs around Richie's waist. They were now face to face with their faces only inches apart. "Woah-" Eddie breathed out, "Hiya, Eds." Eddie closed the surprisingly small gap between them with a bruising kiss, Richie stumbled back a little but regained balance. "Nope! Ok, that was hot for a second, but you almost fell. I'm getting off." Eddie jumped off Richie's waist, "Aw, c'mon!" Richie whined. Eddie rolled his eyes, "You're only upset cause you thought that was going somewhere and you know it, Rich." "I can't argue that, can I?" "Nope. Cause I know it's true."  Richie got tired of standing, so he sat on the edge of his bed. "Oh really?" Eddie say beside him, "Yes, really." "You kissed me!" "I didn't say I didn't think so, too." Richie went to go say something dumb when he realized what Eddie just told him, his eyes went wide. "What?!"

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