•°•C H A P T E R 27•°•

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"Not really?! What the fuck does that mean, Mikey?!" Richie stared at him in disbelief. Bill has been his friend for years, Stan is his best friend, Bill and Stan are in love! How could Stan and Mike do that?! "Look, just- it's definitely not what you think, but I don't think it's entirely my place to say what it actually is." "So then get who needs to be here to tell us, dude!" Eddie scoffed, he loves the losers, but he hates cheating. "Ok. Stan! Bill! We have some explaining to do!" Mike yelled from outside the door. "Bill, too? What?" Eddie asked wide eyed. Richie looked just as confused, honestly.

"Ugh, what, Mikey? I'm tired." Stan whined as he walked out of the bedroom, Bill following. "Yeah, w-what's wrong?" Bill rubbed his eyes and stretched. Richie looked all three of them up and down "Ok, before anyone says anything. Why in gods name are you all half naked right now?!" "You honestly d-don't wanna k-know-" Stan went red at that and Mike smirked, what in God's name-? "Ew, Bill! We didn't ask about you and Stan's sex life-" Eddie huffed. Mike glanced at Bill and Stan, they seemed to be talking through their eyes. "Yeah, about that-" Mike got cut off by Stan and Bill cackled. "Mike! That is not how we are telling them about this, you dumbass!" Eddie glared at them "I'm sorry, but telling us about WHAT?!" That caused Bev to walk out of the guest room, "Oh my lord! Can y'all chill?! Me and Ben couldn't sleep last night. Keep it in your pants next time, eh Billy?" Her eyes went wide after she said that, remembering what all she heard hours before and noticing three of the boy's current attire. "Wait, wait, wait- Why did I hear Mike's name last night?!" Stan didn't stop blushing, Bill looked shocked, and Mike was visibly trying to think of the best way to say the answer. "Woah-! What?!" Richie just started pointing at the three, shouting different variations of 'you?!' "You're kidding! No way!" Eddie was so confused.

"Ohmygodshutup!" Stan rambled out without taking a breath. Eddie was now frustrated "Explain?! Please? Like- what- AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE?!" He shouted to anyone who'd answer. "Me, S-stan, and M-mike are together. L-like, a couple." Bill finally explained. "It's called poly." Mike stated. "Yea, it's like- not very common but heathly amazing poly relationships are a thing. We all love each other, it's just like how me and Bill were, but even better. Cause now there is three of us." Stan explained (don't kill me, I'm not a poly expert.) Bev, Eddie, and Richie looked surprised to say the least. They snapped out of it as Eddie spoke, "I'm gonna be honest. This is different and kinda odd, but of course we support you guys. Plus, all of us are weird anyway." He giggled at the end and hugged the boys one by one, Richie and Bev soon followed with words of support and hugs. Eventually, Ben joined hearing the whole conversation go down from the bedroom.

Just a quick author's note: I literally have no idea how poly relationships usually go, but I wanted to add Stanlonbrough. I really love it even if it's kinda unpopular. Also, I just HAD to add it with a sexual refrence. We love 😌💅🏻 Take this how you will, man. But Stanlonbrough is here to stayy-

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