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Richie left to go to Keene's and get the stuff a few minutes ago, and as if on queue, Bev was freaking out. "Eddie! It's gonna be possitive- like that's obvious. And- and we did it a few weeks ago so even if I didn't wanna keep it I think I might be too far along! Wait no- you have to be like a month in for that right?! It doesn't matter cause I'm not doing that- And it's not 'the morning after' so that pill won't do shit. Ugh- I wanna keep it, like keep it keep it, not do like adoption or give it to someone, y'know? Wait- but that's crazy! Right?! That's crazy- But I'm 17 so I can take care of it soon enough and we only have one year left of school so this is ok, right?! But then what if Ben doesn't wanna keep it?! Oh god- my aunt is gonna kill me- Ben's mom would be ok with it but that won't matter if he isnt-" Eddie finally cut her off. "Bev! Beverly!!" He tried to get her attention. "Ok, ok, What?" "Ben is a great person, you know that. He wouldn't dump you over this, he's always wanted to be a dad. His wish just came true a bit early. Plus, last time I checked it takes two to tango, so-" Eddie reassured her. "Yea, you're right." "And if something would go wrong with Ben, which it won't, you can always stay here. Me and Richie will take care of you as much as we can. I promise." "How are you and Richie?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "I'm glad you're calmed down, but you are pregnant right now so let's focus on that not me and Rich, huh?" "Pleeaasee- I'm your main bitch and I'm pregnant. Tell me!" He said jokingly. "Oh my God, finneee! Like I told you we confessed and he said he loves me, but nothing further has happened." "Not even a kiss?!" "Nope!"

"I mean, I could change that right quick-" Richie smirked announcing his return. "Jesus fuck! You need to stop with these intrences, Chee!" Eddie shreeked almost falling off the bed. Bev laughed her ass off for a good minute before sitting back up and wiping her eyes. "You ready to piss on a stick that will determine your whole future, Bev?" Richie asked holding the box of pregnancy texts. "God, you make it sound really scary. But yes, let me whizz on the stick." Bev said getting off the bed and motioning for Richie to throw her the box. She caught it and walked into the bathroom. "What the fuck is up with you guys and your words for pee?!" Eddie asked and the silent room errupted into Richie's laughter and Bev's snorts that you could hear from outside the bathroom door.

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