No. Just.... no

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Merlin had always expected to be found out.
After all, he used magic frequently. Not that he had much of a choice, really. With his magic being a part of him as much as his lungs were.

So, when he was lead to the throne room, in front of Uther Pendragon, he was hardly surprised.
Instead, he was frantically searching for a memory. Maybe just a split second, where he hadn't been careful enough. Where someone might have seen and report him.
It has happened before, after all. With the smoke horse he made once. Or when he voluntarily stepped up for Gwen to get her away from the chopping block.
Naturally, he found more than one memory. Merlin wasn't really subtle about his magic.
Most of the time he didn't have a choice but to turn to magic, when Arthur was in danger. Or some of his other friends.
Sometimes he was behind on his chores, having two jobs at once, plus a whole destiny of a burden on his shoulders. He had to use magic to catch up on his duties like – a lot.

All in all, Merlin wasn't surprised it happened, when he was finally thrown in front of the kings feet. By knights who didn't even know how many times he had helped them with the ,crime' he was being charged for. No, he was surprised, because he had been especially careful lately.
In fact, he couldn't remember a time when he had used LESS magic.

So, in the end, the panic still took hold of him. Against his will, but it was there.

Gaius looked at him with a mix of worry and disappointment. (Mostly worry. The disappointment was probably just Merlin's imagination, with how often Gaius shouted at him to be more careful.)

What was worse was Arthur's startled expression. He didn't seem like he was expecting Merlin to be dragged in here. So the prince hadn't even known. Great.
It was probably too late to rely on Arthur's excuses for him now. Even if it was just a "Merlin is too stupid to use magic." Hurts, but okay.

Arthur kept talking Merlin out of messes like this. Even though he didn't even know about Merlin's secret. What a great friend. The best friend.

"Father – please. You cannot actually believe her."
"Arthur, be quiet.
So much for that. He was actually useless.
Stand up, boy.", Uther Pendragon bellowed to Merlin who complied against his will. What was he going to do? Tackle the knight who was currently holding him by the neck? Who happened to have a sword?

Merlin looked at Arthur. He tried to convey something to the prince. Was it an apology? Was it a cry for help? Whatever it was, the prince looked pained by it. Arthur knew he was innocent.
Well, actually, he wasn't. Not really. But his crime wasn't really a crime. If you didn't look at the ,murder the enemies of the Pendragon family' thing.

Also, Merlin wondered what it was this time, that got him here. In such a problematic situation. It must have to do with magic. The knight was quite clear on that. But could he be a little more specific please?

"You have been accused of using magic. We have a witness as well as proof. As provided to us by this servant, who has found it in your chambers."

"What is a servant doing in another servant's chambers?", Merlin mumbled, before he had even seen the "proof". Like honestly, somebody needed to point that out, right?

He could see the ,witness' from where he stood. She was right next to Leon. She really did look frightened. If that was part of a ruse or actual fear, Merlin couldn't see it at this point.
However, he could imagine her being a very wicked person somewhere underneath. People who accused him of treason usually were. He didn't recognize her though. Which was odd. Merlin knew everyone in the Castle. Especially the servants. Especially the ones who visited his room.

"SILENCE!", Uther shouted. Man, that guy needed to calm down.
"The witness would like to speak." And suddenly a servant had a voice and the right to an opinion? Strange king he was, this Uther.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots) 1Where stories live. Discover now