Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you are actually here." Mom said as we pulled up to Princeton college. I look at her as she practically bounced in her seat. She looked at me with a huge smile. I giggled at her behavior. 

"Mom it's just college. I have been to two other ones. It's not going to be any different." She shakes her head. 

"This isn't just any college, Hope. This is where your life is going to begin." I glanced out the window to see three boys tackling each other on the ground. I turned to her as she glances at them. She turns back to me. "You are in your Junior year Hope. These are the important moments of your life." 

"Really mom? You gave me that same speech when you dropped me off my Junior and Senior year of high school." She shrugs. 

"It is as true as it was then." I let out a dry laugh and open my door. "Do you want me to help you find your dorm?" I turn to her. 

"If you leave this car you are probably going to obsess over being here again. I think I can handle finding my dorm. I did it a million times." She giggles. I kiss her cheek. 

"I love you, honey." 

"I love you too mom." I get out of the car and shut the door. She bends over to look up at me. 

"I'll have your brother drop off your car as soon as it comes out of the shop." I nod. 

"Alright." I grab my bags out of the backseat and turn to the campus. I took a deep breath. It was definitely bigger than the other colleges I've been too. I was about to take a set when the three guys rolled their way down the hill towards me. I moved out of their way as they rolled into the parking lot. I watched them as they broke up the bromance. They laid on their back laughing. I let out a small laugh catching the attention of one of them. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a zip-up sweater that had the words DSP on it with joggers to match. He stood up and walked over to me. 

"Hey, I'm guessing you are new here." I gave him a small nod as well as a small smile. 

"Yeah, I am." He looks at the building. 

"It may seem big at first but you get used to it." I gave him a confused look. 

"Excuse me?" He looks back at me with a smirk. 

"I was referring to the campus." I nod and mentally slap myself. 

"Right," He chuckled as he held out his hand. 

"I'm Levi." I held out my only free hand to shake his. 

"I'm Hope." His smile deepened. 

"A pretty name for a pretty face." I smiled as I looked away from him. "Do you want my help finding where you need to go?" he asked. I looked back at him. 

"Um," He grabbed the suitcase that I had sat on the sidewalk. "Yeah, thanks." We walked towards the building as his friends called out his name from behind me. I glanced back at them as did he.

"Ignore them. They want me to go to the cafe later." I look at him. 

"Okay," He smiles as he looks at me. 

"Are you a Freshman?" I gave him a small smile as we walk up three steps. 

"I'm a Junior." 

"But you are new here?" I nod. 

"Yes." He hums. I look at him. "Is that bad?" He shakes his head. 

"It just makes you even more interesting." I shake my head. 

"There's nothing interesting about me besides my mom. She used to go here. She was a TPA." 

"Was she?" I nodded. "So does this mean you are going to join them?" I let out a dry laugh. 

"No, not at all. I'm just here for education." He stops walking and I stop as I turn to him. 

"It's a shame. You would be perfect for TPA." He said looking me up and down. I smile at him. "That was twice now that I had given you a compliment and you didn't thank me." I looked down at the ground for a second. 

"It's just that I haven't really had the best self-esteem," I said looking back up at him. "But thank you." He chuckles. 

"I was only kidding but now I know we have to work on the self-esteem you've got." He said as he continued walking. We walked up to a guy with dark red hair that was spiked up. He turned to us and his brown eyes landed on mine. I glanced down to see he wore the same outfit as Levi. "Hey, Eric." Eric looked at Levi.

"Hey, Levi. Who do we have here?" He asked with his eyes going back on mine. Levi looked at me. 

"This is Hope." 

"Hi," I said shyly. Eric smiled friendly. 

"It's nice to meet you, Hope. What can I do for you two?" He asked. I looked at Levi. He turns to Eric. 

"I'm helping her find her dorm." Eric nods and looks down at his tablet.

"Hope Hazel? Love the name." He said with his eyes back on me. I give him a small smile. 

"Thank you." 

"Oh, this is perfect. You'll love your roommate." He said. Levi glanced at the tablet screen and smiled. 

"I know exactly where we are going." He said as he turned to me. "I'll get you to your room and then I'll introduce you to your roommate." I nod. We walk up to the second floor and down a few halls. I lost track of how to get back to the stairs after I got to C67. We finally stopped walking when we got to the end of the hall. I looked at the door that said D21. He turns to me. "Do you have your key?" I dug in my back pocket and pulled it out. 

"Here," I handed it to him and he unlocks it. He opens the door and walks in. I walk in a second after him. There were two beds a dining room mixed with a living room and a separate room for a small bathroom. He sets my suitcase on the bed with a plain set of bedding. I opened my mouth to say something when a redhead walked out of the bathroom in a hot pink bra. She looked at Levi and me. Her eyes were a chalky lime green color.

"Hi, Levi." She said as she walked over to her bed and sat down. She put on her black crop-top and put her hair up. Levi smirked as he looked at her. 

"Hey, Ivy." She smiled as she looked back at him. He turns to me. "Hope this is Ivy your roommate. Ivy this is Hope." She looks at me. 

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