Chapter 12

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"Stop Levi." I giggled as he held up my phone. I climbed on his back to which he stood up. I yelped as he held me tightly to his back so I wouldn't fall. 

"I'm sending this to me." I groan. 

"It's an ugly picture." I protested. He glances back at me with his sexy smile.

"Every picture with you in it is beautiful." I giggled at him. 

"You're such a flirt." He turns me so I was wrapped around his waist and I was facing him. 

"Does it still count as flirting if I speak the truth?" He asked. I nodded. 

"Yes, and even so it isn't the truth." He shakes his head. 

"It so is." I opened my mouth to protest but he connected his lips with mine. I kissed him back as his hands when down to my ass. I smiled in the kiss as he walks us over to my bed. He lays my back on it and breaks the kiss. "You are so beautiful." I giggled. 

"You are adorable." He smiles. 

"I try." I shake my head. He looks down at my lips and kisses me again. The bedroom door opens and I push him back. Ivy, Noah, and Eric walk in. Levi kisses me once more before moving. Noah glances at us before walking over to Ivy's bed. He laid down on it as she walked over to her closet. Eric winked at me. I shake my head at him as I sit up. Levi sat next to me and I glanced down to see him about to send the picture to himself. I grabbed my phone and he leaned over me as I put it under my leg. "Give me the phone." I shake my head. 

"Absolutely not." He pushes me over carefully and grabs my phone. He pushes send and I grab his phone off his lap before running across from the room. He stands up with a smile. 

"Hope." He said. I smiled at him. 

"You took mine." He started walking towards me and I took a few steps back. 

"So I had reasoning." I shake my head. 

"Going through my gallery on my phone is not a good reason." He glances at Eric. 

"A little help." I glance at Eric to see him walking over to me. I look back at Levi before glancing at Ivy who nodded. Just before Eric could grab the phone I tossed it to her. She caught it and Levi looked at her. "Not cool." She shrugs. 

"You get help so does she." She looks down at the phone and smiles. "It's a cute picture." I shake my head. 

"Deon took it a week before I came here." She looks up at me. 

"So why don't you want him to have it?" I look away for a second. 

"Because I have an ugly smile and my hair was messy. Besides Levi didn't get permission to go through my photos he just did." She nods and looks at him. She glances back down and her smile wipes away. She cleared her throat. 

"Well if she doesn't want you to have it then so be it." Levi took a step towards her. She went to delete the picture as Noah snatches the phone from her. He looks at it and smiles. 

"Cute." he looks up at Levi and tosses him his phone. Levi looks at me and smiles. I playfully glare at Noah. He smiles at me. 

"What can I say? He's got my back." Levi said. I look back at him and roll my eyes. 

"Fine keep the picture. As if I care." I walk over to my bed and sit down. I grab my phone from the bed and sigh. Levi walks over to me and sits down next to me. "So what's everyone doing tonight?" I asked. Noah sighs as he closes his eyes. 

"I have to deal with my parents as well as Eric's parents tonight." I looked down at my hands. "Don't make that face. I have no regret for kicking them out for being disrespectful." I look up to see him looking at me. 

"Have you talked to them since last week?" I asked. He shakes his head. 

"No, but my father called and asked to reschedule dinner night. I only agreed because he wants to discuss what happened last week." I nod slowly. He looks at me a few more seconds before sitting up. I look away from him as Ivy walks to the bathroom to change. 

"My mother can be very judgemental before she gets to know people. My father, on the other hand, is understanding and open-minded. It's the same way with Eric's parents. It's one of the reasons why our parents are friends because they are so much alike." I stand up and look back at him. 

"I don't need you to explain it to me, Noah. It's not hard to figure out what is the problem. They don't like me because I don't have money." He stands up and crosses his arms. 

"Only because they think anyone who hangs out with that is poor is only in it for the money." I scuff. 

"I didn't even know you were the dean's son when we started hanging out. I had no idea how much money you have and I still don't if I were in it for the money I would ask my father for it." He takes a deep breath. 

"I was just telling you what she thinks." I nod. 

"I appreciate you standing up for me to your parents, but it's probably better that I don't go back to one of your dinners." 

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