Chapter 44

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I walk out of the kitchen after Noah and I finished the deviled eggs. As I walked into the living room the front door opens and Deon walks in with mom behind him. I smiled and ran over to her. "Hey, mom." She wraps her arms around me and hums. 

"Hey, baby girl." I smiled at the sound of her voice. I pull back to look at her. She was blonde like me but she had the lightest shade of brown eyes I have ever seen. She wore a pair of fluffy cupcake pj's pants along with a tank-top with a cupcake on it. I smiled. She smiled. Noah clears his throat and I roll my eyes.

"Mom this is Noah. Noah this is my mom, Leah." She looks at him and smiles. She looks at me.

"And who is Noah to you? A friend?" She asked. I smiled.

"Ahh no actually. He is more than that." She began laughing at my way of saying that we liked each other.

"Don't break a sweat trying to get the words out, honey. I know exactly what you mean." I giggled as I looked at Noah who gave me a bigger smile than before. He placed a kiss on my cheek and turned to mom.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms, Hazel." He said. She smiled. 

"It's nice to meet you too but please call me, Leah." He nods. 

"Of course." The front door opens and Peter walks in. I smile as I walk around mom. I give him a hug which he returns and gives out a small chuckle. 

"Good morning, Hope." 

"Good morning, Peter." Noah walks up and looks at his dad. 

"Would you look at that? I think she's starting to warm up to me." Noah chuckles. 

"That's Hope for you." Peter smiles. He glances at mom and his smile widens. 

"Now I know that that isn't Leah Hazel?" I glance at mom and she smiles. 

"I should have known Noah was yours. He looks exactly like you." She said as she walks up to us. They hug and Noah and I share a glance. 

"Mom I wasn't aware you knew him?" I said. She turns to me and nods. 

"I knew most of Kevin's friends." I nod slowly. 

"I'm sorry to hear about how things ended with the two of you. I was more than sure it was going to last." Peter said. Mom let out a dry laugh. 

"I'm not worried about it. Kevin was never one for loyalty. I should have realized. One of the only good things that came out of that relationship was having my amazing children." I smiled as I glanced at Deon who smiled. 

"I'm her favorite," Deon said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Peter who laughed. 

"He only wishes." Peter laughs harder. He turns to his son as his laughs got lower. 

"Where is your sister?" Noah glanced at the stairs. 

"I think her and Eric wanted to sleep in which is why I had to cook dinner." 

"Oh no. You were in the kitchen? I'm surprised the house isn't in flames." Noah gasped. 

"I'm not a bad cook." Peter rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I giggled. 

"If it helps I was supervising." Peter nods. 

"I feel better now." Noah rolls his eyes. I glanced at the stairs to see Eric walking down shirtless. I smiled. 

"Hey," Everyone turns to him as he smiles. 

"Hey," He looks up at Peter and nods. "Goodmorning Peter." Peter smiles. 

"You know since you are getting married to my daughter you can call me dad." Eric nods. 

"Good to know. Ivy is asleep but I can go wake her up if you would like?" Peter shakes his head. 

"No, it's okay. It's Christmas let her sleep in." Eric nods. 

"Mom!" Trent's voice was heard from the backdoor. He was taking a shower in the guest house because Levi was taking one in the house. Trent walked up to mom and hugged. "Merry Christmas." She giggles. 

"Merry Christmas." 

"I thought that Trent was your ex-boyfriend?" Peter asked. I looked at him and nodded. 

"Trent is Deon's best friend so we kind of adopted him into the family." Peter nods. 

"That's one word for it." I heard Levi mumble. I looked up at the stairs as he was currently walking down shirtless as well but with a towel, in his hair, as he tried to dry it. Ivy walked behind him slowly due to him walking slowly. She rolled her eyes as she folded her arms at him. 

"No one asked for the peanut gallery." She snapped. He looked up at her. 

"I thought you said you were going to get beauty sleep? When does the beauty sink in?" He asked. She let out a low growl and hit him in the head. He hissed. When he finally made it to the bottom of the stairs Eric too hit him in the head. He hissed once again. 

"Don't be a dick. It's Christmas." Levi rolled his eyes. 

"So?" Eric raised his hand to hit him again but he caught it. Eric pulled his hand back and walked up to Ivy. 

"You can back to sleep if you want to?" She shakes her head. 

"Hearing his voice woke me up." I giggled and she looked at me with a smile. She walks up to Peter and hugs him. "Hey, dad." 

"Hey, peanut." I looked at Deon. 

Where is Kate?" 

"Sleeping. She wasn't feeling all too well last night." 

"Have you checked on her?" He nods. 

"I did before I left and I was making my way upstairs." I nod. 

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