Chapter 45

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"So Ivy, you and Eric are getting married?" Mom asked as we finished up with dinner and moved on with dessert. Ivy nods. 

"Yes," Mom smiles. 

"Have you picked out the date yet?" She asked. 

"Well we were planning on something next year when I graduate from Princeton but if something comes up we might push it back another year." 

"Well, I do hope that I am invited." Ivy giggles. Deon turned his attention to her and his face went hard for a split second. I was curious.

"You are my best friend's mom. Of course, you are invited." Mom smiled. 

"Can't wait." Mom said. Deon cleared his throat causing her to look at him. 

"Well I have some good news," Peter said. I turned to him. "I am getting a divorce." Noah looked shocked. 

"What?" He asked. Peter smiled as he looked at him. Noah had a small smile on his face. "The case ended in your favor?" Peter nods. 

"Yup. I should be getting the papers in the mail."

"I'm confused how is getting a divorce good news?" Mom asked. I turned to her. 

"My wife is a manipulative woman. She tried to control my life and my kids. When my parents passed away they left Noah a bunch of money to which she wanted all of it. Not to mention she cheated on me with a few of my business partners." Mom looked shocked. 

"Just when I thought my relationship with Kevin was bad." Peter chuckled. 

"It looks like we both have a blind spot for toxic people." Mom nodded. 

"I got married after Kevin to a man named Cory. He was amazing in every way. But he passed away a few years ago from cancer." Mom said with a sadness laced in her voice. I looked at Deon who looked down at the table with a bitter look. I took a sigh. Mom took a deep breath and looked up at him. "I'm sorry that was a little depressing." Deon snorted and she began to laugh. Noah grabbed my hand under the table which caused me to look at him. He gave me a worried look but I smiled. 

"So Hope?" Peter started. I turned my attention on him as did everyone else. He set his fork down as he smiled at me. "When can I start expecting grandchildren?" I felt all the color from my face drain as Trent and Eric started laughing at the same time. 

"Dad!" Noah hissed. Peter chuckled as he looked at his son. 

"Oh relax would you Noah? It was a joke. I mean you two aren't even together. But that doesn't mean I don't claim you as a daughter now Hope. I mean with you being Ivy's best friend I have no choice. Her words, not mine." I giggled. 

"You shouldn't be expecting any from me any time soon," I said. Noah glances at me and I let out a small laugh which caused him to smile. 

"Well on that note can we get on with the gifts?" Eric asked. I glanced at Ivy who looked nervous. I stood up. 

"Deon can go first." Deon looked at me and shook his head. 

"Oh no. You don't get to volunteer me to go first. You get to go first." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Fine." We all made our way to the living room where everyone slowly handed out their gifts to each other. When it got down to Ivy handing out her gifts to Noah, Eric, and Peter she was nervous. She handed it to them and sat down next to me. She looked at me and I smiled to give her comfort. 

"Alright open them at the same time." She said. They shared a look before doing just that. The first reaction was surprised. Noah had a smile on his face first as he looked at his best friend. Peter had mix emotions. 

"What is it?" I asked to break the suspense. Eric stood up and held up a shirt that said 'New to the dad club'. Ivy looked up at him as he looked at her. 

"You're pregnant?" He asked. She nodded slowly as Peter stood up. Eric picks her up and kisses her. She giggles. "I'm going to be a dad?" She rolls her eyes. 

"No Hope is." She said sarcastically. Eric chuckled. He sets her down for Peter to wrap his arms around her. 

"When I made a joke about being a grandpa I didn't expect it to happen so soon." He said. She giggles. 

"Surprise?" She said. 

"I'm so happy for you." She let out a sigh of relief. Noah stands up and gives Eric a man hug then wraps her up in his arms. 

"Congratulations," Noah said. 

"Well, I guess it was a great idea that I got you and Eric a place of your own," Peter said. Ivy and Eric look at him surprised. 

"You did what?" Ivy asked. He smiles as he grabs out a small box out of his pocket and hands it to her. She opens it to see a house key on it. "Dad you didn't have to get us a house." She said with her eyes on him. He nods. 

"Yes, I did. You are a grown adult now and you are going to be getting married soon so I decided to help you move out of your brother's house." He said. She hugged him. 

"Thank you." I raise my hand. 

"Um excuse me." They look at me. "Where is this house?" I asked. Peter chuckles. 

"A mile from here." I nodded. 

"I approve." He nods. 

"Good." He pulls out another box and hands it to me. I look down at it. It was a little bigger than the one he gave Ivy so I knew it wasn't a house or a car. I opened it to see it was an acceptance letter stating I had the credits I needed to be a lawyer signed by him personally. I looked up at him. 

"But how? I haven't even finished my last year of college yet." He nods. 

"Because you finished those extra classes you've earn all of your needed skills to be a lawyer. I even talked to a buddy of mine into hiring you. You will start in the fall." I looked at Noah who smiled. 

"You knew didn't you?" He nods. 

"It was kinda my idea." I smiled and hugged Peter as I thanked him before I hugged Noah. Noah hugged me a little longer which made me get butterflies in my stomach. He grabs my hand as everyone began talking. He drags me out the front door without anyone noticing. I giggled as the door was closed. He turns to me and grabs a box from underneath his bench. He brings it to me and it was small. I looked at him as he smiles. "This is my gift to you." 

"I thought that blanket is what you got me." He chuckles as he rolls his eyes. 

"That is the type of gift I give to a friend." I give him a confused look as he places his hand on my cheek. "You and I both know that what we have is much more than that." I gulped and looked down at the box. 

"So what's in the box?" I asked. 

"If I tell it beats the purpose of wrapping paper." I roll my eyes and unwrap it slowly. I open it to see a necklace that had a small version of his car on it and a little piece of paper was in the box. I set the box down to read it. 'No distance is too far for this racer when it comes to you.' Tears stung my eyes as I looked up at him. "I wanted that, to go on the necklace but it was too big." I giggled. 

"I love it." He smiles. 

"And I love you." My body got goosebumps hearing him say it again after so long of us just being friends. I opened my mouth to reply when he shook his head. "I'm not expecting you to say it back, Hope. I just wanted you to know that no matter what I will always love you." I was speechless. He grabbed my hand and set a key on it. It was his car keys. I looked up at him. 

"Noah, I'm not taking your car." He nods. 

"It's a gift that has a no return policy." 

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