Chapter 19

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I pull up to the secret track just on the bridge of town and Ben walks up to me with Deon and Trent behind him. He smiles as he hugs me. "I was wondering when you would miss me." He said. I giggle. 

"I always do." He chuckles as he pulls back. He glances at Noah and smiles. 

"Noah Princeton? No, it can't be." I look at Noah to see him smile. 

"Hey, Ben." They did a man hug. Ben whistle. 

"So you're telling me I not only have the badass girl shredder on my turf but I have the badass guy shredder as well?" He said looking between us. Noah let out a small chuckle. 

"Don't get too excited. I didn't come here to race today." Ben frowned. 

"Why must you tease me like that?" Ben looks at me. "I've got three lined up for you. Ready when you are." I slap my hands together and rub them. 

"I'm looking forward to it." He smiled.

"Need a kiss for good luck?" he asked with a smirk. I shake my head.

"You haven't changed one bit." He chuckles.

"Did you expect me too?"

"Nope." He winks at me.

"Let me go get the bets in while you get ready." I nod and he walks away. I take a deep breath as I turn to Deon. He smiles.

"I'm going to find me a seat. Good luck." He walks away and Noah looks at me.

"So is Ben another one of your ex's?" He asked with a smile. I cross my arms.

"Why Mr. Princeton is that jealousy I hear?" He chuckles as he pulls me into his chest while resting his arm on my waist.

"Maybe." I smile wider.

"Ben is just a friend. Has been for a long time." He nods. I glance over at Ben to see him nodding meaning it was time. I sighed. "Well, that's my cue." Noah smiles. 

"Good luck." I return the same smile as he walks began walking backward towards Deon. I turn to my car and hopped in. I drove up to the starting line and rolled my window down. I looked at Ben as he stood in front of both of the cars. I glanced next to me to see some blonde-haired princess in all pink. Her car was hot pink along with her leather gloves. She looked at me with a smile. 

"Nice car. Did daddy buy it for you?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at her. I looked at Ben as he watched us. 

"You paired me up with your ex?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"She started telling people she could beat you. I had to prove her wrong." I let out a dry laugh. 

"Josie couldn't even race a dog if it was running," I said. She let out a high pitch laugh causing us to look at her. 

"If I didn't know any better I would say you were stalling?" I sighed loudly. 

"You barely have a street racing career don't make me take it away." She started laughing. 

"Don't worry Hope. I'll let you know how it feels to beat you." I sighed and turned back to Ben. 

"Welcome to Ben's legal street racing. To my regulars, you know who I am but to my new people, I am Ben. Okay, we are going to start tonight off with one of our regular racers. She has 12 wins under her belt. Give it up for Josie." Josie roared her engine as the crowd cheered for her. Ben raised his hand and everyone stopped. "Now this next racer is known throughout five different towns. She was my top racer carrying 300 wins under her belt. Now she isn't back but I thought I would give her the chance to give the old tracks another good before she hung up her trophies. It is my pleasure to introduce to you the best girl shredder I know, Hope Hazel." I roared my engine as the crowd goes wild. Ben smiles at me. 

"A little too much?" I asked. He shrugs. 

"Don't take this away from me." I rolled my eyes. 

"Alright move it along, pretty boy." He chuckles. 

"Racers are you ready?" Josie and I both roared our engine as the timer started to count down from 3. He waved the flag down and Josie went speeding past him. He looks at me with a boring look. "Must you tune her?" I shrugged as I turned my eyes on her. 

"This is my joy of racing, Ben. I thought you knew that?" He sighed as he walked up to my window and leaned in. 

"One of these days you are going to play this game and lose." I turn my gaze back to his and let out a laugh. 

"I beat you at your own game, four times." He nods. 

"True," He stands up and walks behind my car. I glance in my rearview mirror to see Noah confused as Deon had his arms crossed shaking his head as if he could see my eyes on him. I giggled and looked back at Josie getting to the halfway mark. I went speeding off and in a split second, I was zooming past her. I heard her call me a bitch on the past through and I slowed down. She hit her clutch and went at the same pace as me. I glance at her and smirk. 

"What's the matter, Hope? Did you run out of your super juice?" She asked with a smirk. 

"No, actually I haven't even used it yet. I thought I would make it an even race." She scuffs. 

"Just because daddy bought you a fancy car that gives you an advantage in racing doesn't mean you are a winner. Because at the end of the day you will always be a poor virgin with a rich daddy that doesn't give a damn." I turned my gaze in front of me and pushed the pedal to the floor bed and swerved crashing into her car causing it to hit the wall. I went in reverse and went zooming past the finish line. Ben came running over to me as I got out my car with it still rolling as I shift it into park. Josie threw her car door open and stomped over towards me. "What's the matter, Hope? Did I hit a nerve?" I turned towards my car nervous about the damage. There wasn't a single scratch on it. I let out a huff and sighed. 

"In order for you to have hit a nerve, it would mean I would have to care about what you think. Which I don't. I was just bored playing fetch with you." I said walking away from her. She let out a high pitch scream and I turned to see her looking at her car. It was junk by now. There was no repairing it. She stomped her foot and turned to me. 

"Look what you did to my CAR!" She yelled. I crossed my arms. 

"You should really learn how to drive." She grew angry and pointed at me. 

"You are going to fix this." I shake my head. 

"You know the rules of racing. Any damage to your car is on you. Since you decided to drive it that's on you." She threw her arms up. 

"How am I going to afford this?" 

"Pay for it with your winnings- oh that's right you lost."

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