Chapter 11

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"Hello, Hope." Ms. Harper the librarian said as I walked in. I smile at her. 

"Hello, Ms. Harper." She goes back to helping the student in front of her as I walk to my usual spot. I sat down with a sigh. I pulled out my binder full of homework and sipped on my strawberry frappe from Starbucks. I plugged my headphones in and played country music off of pandora. About an hour and a half, tapping on my arm caught my attention. I looked up to see Levi. He smiled as I took out my headphones. 

"Too busy to hang out?" He asked with his award-winning smile. I looked down as I couldn't help but smile. 

"Well, I was just getting into what I wanted to do after college courtesy from Professor Charles." He chuckles. 

"You know that paper isn't due for another 3 weeks right?" I look up at him and nod. 

"Yeah, I know but I wanted to keep my mind busy." He looks down for a second and lets out a deep breath. 

"I heard about what happen at Noah's house." I look away as he looks up at me. 

"I forgot about it. It's not like it was the first time and I doubt it was the last time. Princeton typically isn't for girls like me. I'm stepping over the riches turf. I expected this to happen when I got here. I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner." 

"It isn't right. You are just as human as the rest of us. Who cares if-." 

"I'm not rich?" I asked looking up at him. He sighs as he nods. "Apparently a lot of people. Especially if you go to a school like Princeton." 

"Well, I don't care. I am hardly rich. My mother married some rich bastard after my father died and the only way I get any money is if I beg her for some which I don't typically do. But every week I wake up to a few 100's in my bank account that just sits there until I get drunk and spend it on stupid shit." I giggle. He smiles. "I knew that would make you laugh." I smile at him. "So what do you say to putting your homework away and getting into trouble with me?" I gave it a thought before closing my binder. I put my stuff away and stand up. I get ready to strap my bag on my shoulder when he grabbed it from me. "Let's go drop this off in your dorm." 

We get to my dorm and I open the door. Ivy and Eric were kissing on her bed. They pull apart to look at me. I gave them an apologetic smile. "I'll be out in just a second. I just wanted to drop my bag off." She waves me off. 

"We weren't doing anything." I set my bag on my bed and slip on a hoodie. I turn to Levi and glance at Ivy. 

"I'll be back later." She nods. I shut the door and walk down the hall. We walk past a few girls and a few guys flirting with them. I was about to look away when I noticed Noah making out with some blonde on a dorm room door. I turned away from them before Levi could see. He glanced back at him and looks down at me. 

"He has no shame." I glance back as if it were my first time seeing him. 

"I guess not," I said turning back. 

"So tell me a little more about you," Levi asked as we walk along the football field. I sighed as I looked at the ground. 

"Well, my father is a disappointment. My mother is amazing. She raised my brother and I for a while by herself until she married a marine. They were happily married for three years until he passed away on his line of work. It was hard on us but we managed. My brother Deon in engaged and lives with her. Deon a cop in training. He graduated from college two years ago. And I am going to my third college doing the same paper for the third time still having no clue what to write down. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do after college. I have no passions, no hobbies. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer so I went to school for it just in case. And even if I don't want to be I have a career to fall back on that pays the bills." 

"Wow. Your life is interesting for a girl with no money." He joked. I looked up at him and he chuckles. I roll my eyes. 

"Don't mock me. I have enough people doing that as it is." He shakes his head. 

"I would never mock you, Hope. I envy you. My mom has my whole life planned out for me. I've been in the same school district my whole life. Then she sent me here. She told me I had to get nothing but straight A's or I was a disappointment. After college, I am to be a businessman in her company. When a year has passed and I had the ropes down perfectly she wants to hand her company over to me. I am to marry a rich girl and have children at a decent age. You get to choose your life. I have mine written in stone." I look down. 

"Wow, I didn't know your life was so hard. Do you even want those things?" I asked as I looked up at him. He smiles at me and stops walking. I stop and look at him. 

"What I want is to be a kid for once. College is supposed to be your last chance to make mistakes as a kid. I want to party with my friends and wake up with a hangover. I want to be friends with whoever and not worry if they qualify to my mother's standards. I want to kiss the new girl and not have to worry about what happens next." He said the last part with a smile. I felt myself blush so I looked down. 

"Well tell me, Mr. Andrew, what are you going to do?" I asked as I looked back up at him. He pulls me to him and places his hands on my waist. He smiles. He bends down and places his lips on mine. He kissed gently. I could taste the butterscotch off of his lips which caused me to hum. He pulled back and I smiled up at him.  

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