Chapter 29

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I walk into Peter's office as he was on the phone. He looks up at me and stops what he was saying. "I have to go. Yup, I'll talk to you later." He set it down and stood up. He gestured his hand for me to enter the room all the way. "Please take a seat." I walked in and sat down in front of him. He sits down as well and gives me a small smile. "Hello, Hope." I look down at my hands and take a deep breath. 

"Hello, Mr. Princeton." I breathed. 

"Let me guess, you found out about my son's little game?" I looked up at him in disbelief. 

"You knew?" He nods. 

"My son can be childish." I let out a dry laugh. 

"Forgive my rudeness but what is wrong with your family?" He lets out a small laugh. 

"A lot." I nodded. 

"I may not have money but at least I'm kind people." He takes a deep breath. 

"That's one of the reasons why I like you." I gave him a confused look. 

"What?" He nods. 

"You are honest and respectful where it counts. You don't look at people like it matters how much money they have. The first day we met you looked at me with a smile that was all too friendly. I've only ever seen my daughter look at me like that. Most women these days will do anything for money. You didn't care about the money." I looked down at my hands again. He sighs and leans back in his chair. "What can I help you with, Hope?" 

"I want to change rooms," I spoke clearly as I looked up at him. He smiles and nods. 

"Done." I was surprised. 

"You expected this?" I asked. He nods. 

"Like I said I knew about my son's little game. Which meant Ivy did too. I wasn't sure if you were his target but when he defended you in front of his mother I knew. I wish he didn't have to act like a child but he will make his own mistakes that he will have to live with." I nodded slowly. 

"Where will my room be?" I asked. 

"On the first floor directly underneath Ivy's. I didn't want to move you too far to confuse you when you go to park your car. You will have your own room." 

"I don't mind sharing a room." He gives out a small laugh. 

"Don't be ridiculous. Like I said I like you. If things were different you would have been perfect for my son." I look away from his gaze. "You are able to move in when ever you please." I stand up. 

"Thank you, Mr. Princeton." He nods. 

"You can call me Peter." I nod. 

"Thank you, Peter." I turn around to see Ivy standing in the doorway looking at her father. Her eyes landed on me and I looked away from her. 

"Hope, please don't do this." She begged. I looked up at her. 

"You lied to me." She took a step closer to me. 

"I didn't mean too." I shake my head and walk around her. I walk back to the dorm and began packing. 

Two hours later Ivy walked through the door as I was blaring music from my headphones. She looked at me for a second and walked to her bed. Noah walked in a moment later getting ready to say something to her and I stood up and walked out of the room. I wasn't ready to deal with them. I didn't want too. I got into my car and stared at the steering wheel. Tear balled up in my eyes and fell as they wished. 

My phone began to ring causing me to jump. I looked down to see Deon's number on the screen. I take a deep breath and wiped my tears. I clear my throat and answer it. "Hey, Deon," I spoke shakily.

"Are you okay, princess?" He asked on alert. I smile as a tear falls.

"Yeah, I just had a really bad day," I mumbled.

"Do you want to come over and stay the night? We can rent movies and get snacks." I giggle.

"Tempting but I have class tomorrow."

"You can miss one day. Or go in the morning. I'll drive you there so you can sleep on the way." I smiled brightly at his way of cheering me up.

"I'm on my way." He chuckles.

"I'm renting Firehouse Dog and The Notebook. I'll send Trent to the store for snacks." I giggled.

"I'll see you in a little bit." We said our goodbyes and I hang up. I take another deep breath before getting out of my car. I hear a deep chuckle coming from the main entrance and I get curious. I lock my car and walk towards the noise.

"What's it been like four months Peter?" I hear a familiar voice. I turn the corner of the building and stop in mid-step as I see who it was.

"Yeah, it's been quite a while, Kevin," Peter said. Peter opened his mouth to say something when he glanced my way. He stops as Kevin turns towards me. He looked shocked.

"Hope?" He questioned. I hug myself as I look at him. Tears ready to spill out again. I haven't seen him since the day he walked out. I looked at Peter.

"Why would you bring him here?" I asked. He looked down for a moment.

"I apologize Hope. I had a meeting scheduled with him for a week now and I couldn't cancel. I didn't think anything about relocating." I take a deep breath.

"Well, it is his school he is allowed to have whoever he wants here. Besides I'm your-."

"You're nothing to me," I said looking at Kevin. He looked pissed.

"That is no way to talk to your dad." He hissed. I let out a dry laugh.

"Dad? You aren't my dad."

"I help bring you into this world."

"Then you walked away like I meant nothing to you. That doesn't make you a dad. It doesn't even make you a man." He clenched and unclenched his fists. I looked at them and scuffed. "I better be careful about what I say. I don't want a rerun of what happened the day you left." He glances down at his fists.

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