Chapter 34

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Hope's P.O.V

I walk out of class to see Ivy and Trent standing there waiting for me. I gave them a small smile as I walk up to them. Ivy smiles up at Trent as he gives her the same smile. Both of them looked back at me and I giggled nervously. "You two are up to something." 

"What?" They chimed. I nodded. 

"The mischief looks and instant reply? You two are definitely up to something." Ivy sighed. 

"I just decided since you and Trent are going to be bored in your dorm doing what boring college kids do that you could come with Eric and I tonight." I crossed my arms as I glance up at Trent who gave me a smile. 

"Where are you going tonight?" I asked her. 

"Well Eric is having his parents over at his place tonight and I asked him if I could invite you too." 

"Last time I was around that woman she called me rude and disrespectful. Why would I want to go anywhere near her?" She popped out her bottom lip and folded her hands. 

"Please. I hate being around them alone and with you there it will make it less annoying." I sigh. 

"Fine." She smiles and jumps up and down. 

"Yay," I giggle at her as I turn around. I was about to walk out of the building when Eric walks in. He looks up and sees us and smiles. 

"So what was your answer?" He asked. I sighed. 

"To go to your house to have dinner with your parents who hate me because I'm poor? I said yes for some dumb reason." He chuckles. 

"Thank you, Hope." I nodded. 

"Only for you two." He looks back at Ivy with a wink and I shake my head. I walk outside as Trent walks up to my side. I went to turn to him to talk to him when I caught a glimpse of Noah talking to Vivian. I stopped walking causing Trent to do the same. Vivian laughed as she placed her hand on his chest. My mouth went dry as swallow a lump in my throat. Everything around me faded and it was only the three of us. The sound of her laugh was the same sound of my whole world crashing down. Noah and I weren't together but this was the reality of it. He was moving on from what happened. I was about to turn away when she leaned up and kissed him. He took a step back breaking the kiss and for some reason as he began to talk he turned my way. His eyes landed on mine and he stopped. 

I gulped as Vivian turned to see what he was looking at. She looked around until she saw me. Her lips turn into a smirk. I look back up at him and peel my eyes off of his and turn away. I walk to my dorm with lighting speed. "Hope?" Trent called out. I opened my dorm room and threw my bag on my bed. 

"Hope?" Ivy whispered. I shake my head as I run my hands through my hair. Tears were falling out without command. 

"Hope?" Eric tried. I turned to them. They all had sad faces. I looked away again and sat on my bed. I was numb. My heart hurt so much that the pain just went numb. My eyes surprisingly weren't as dry as I would have expected. I take a few deep breaths as I stared at the wall. 

"Does this feeling ever go away?" I whispered. 

"No, but it does get easier to deal with," Eric spoke. I look over at them. Ivy had tears in her eyes. Trent was focused on the ground and Eric was watching me carefully. I looked down at the ground in front of me and take a few more deep breaths. 

"What time do I have to be at your house?" I asked. 

"Hope you don't have to go," Eric said. I look at them and stand up. Ivy looks at me and nods. 

"You don't have too anymore. I will understand if you wanted to stay here for the night." I shake my head. 

"I want too. I told you I would. Besides I rather be far away from him as possible." They looked at each other and Trent stood up. 

"I will drive you tonight." He said. I nod. 

"We will see you around 7," Eric said as he opens the door. I give them a small smile. Ivy hugs me before walking out the door. As soon as the door was closed I closed my eyes. 

"Come on," Trent said. I open my eyes to see him walking up to me. I give him a confused look. 

"Where are we going?" He walks me over to the bed. 

"You are laying down." He said as he laid down on the bed and moved over. I laid down and laid my head on his chest. I look up at him and he smiles at me. "Take a nap before we have to leave." 

"Thank you." He shakes his head. 

"Don't mention it." I shake my head. 

"No thank you for everything you've done for me these past few days. I wouldn't have gotten out of bed if it weren't for you." 

"You don't ever have to thank me for helping you. We may have had a past that didn't go so well but at the end of the day I will always be here for you." I gave him a small smile. I look down at his lips and lean up placing mine on them. I pulled back to look up at him. He sighs. "I would have kissed you back if you weren't healing from a broken heart. I know this is just you wanting something to hold on to that feels familiar. But I am flattered that you still find me attractive." I giggled as I hit his chest. 

"Shut up." He chuckles and I turn my back towards him. He was right. I didn't mean to kiss him I just wanted to see the difference between him and Noah. 

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