Chapter 23

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As the bell rings, I rush outside to catch Noah as he was talking with his dad. I stayed at a distance waiting for him not wanting to piss off his dad. But Peter looked at me. "Good afternoon Hope." I give him a small smile as Noah turns to me. I walk up to them slowly and Noah glances up at his dad who was smiling. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Princeton." He looks back at his son. 

"You should invite Hope tonight." Noah lets out a scuff. 

"Yeah, so mom can target her for not being rich again? Yeah, I'm good." I look down. 

"Your mother isn't going to be there tonight. It's just going to be the four of us. So if you don't invite her I will." I look up at them to see Peter smiling. "My wife's behavior was disappointing at dinner. I do hope that it didn't give you an image of what kind of person I am." I glance at Noah and back at him. 

"Of course it didn't. But I wouldn't want to crash a family thing again so I'm going to pass." Noah chuckles. 

"When the dean invites you to dinner you don't reject it." 

"Considering what happened last time he invited me to dinner I would say I have a valid reason." Noah nods. 

"Well, then this is me asking." I let out a laugh. 

"You aren't going to give up, are you?" He tucks his hands in his jean pockets. 

"I'm a Princeton. It's not in my blood." I nodded. 

"Well, in that case, what time should I be at your house?" He shakes his head. 

"I'll pick you up." I smile at him. 

"In that case what time should I be expecting you?" 

"Around 7. I'll be there at 7 but I don't mind waiting." I giggled. 

"What about Ivy?" I asked. 

"Ivy and Eric are going to be cooking this time." I nod slowly. 

"Alright, I'll both of you tonight," I said looking up at Peter. He tucks his hands in his pants pockets and smiled. 

"I can't wait." He said. I glanced back and forth to Noah and him to see them both in the same exact pose. I cleared my throat as I back up. I turned and walked towards my dorm. Just as I was about to walk into the building I was pushed into the wall. I looked at Vivian and Sadie as they laughed. 

"What the hell?" I asked. Vivian crossed her arms. 

"Are you and Noah having fun? I bet you think you know him better than anyone else." She said. I stood up straight. 

"Noah and I are just friends." Sadie scuffed. 

"Oh really? That's the story you are going with?" I looked at her. She pulled out her phone to see a picture of Noah and I kissing by the janitor's closet. I looked at it for a second and looked back up at them. 

"So? What's the problem? You act like we haven't kissed before." Vivian let out a dry laugh. 

"The difference is when he kissed you before he did it for a game." 

"Well, maybe he is still playing a game," Sadie said. I looked at both of them and groaned. 

"What is your problem with him actually liking me?" Vivian slammed me into the wall again. 

"Noah could never like someone like you. Just like Levi couldn't. Your bank account couldn't afford to live in his world. But then again it explains why you chose them to flirt with. I mean they are both rich and well you are just the daughter of a rich man with a whole other world. He doesn't give one damn about you. Tell me something, Hope? Are you just using the Princeton's for their money or because the dean happens to be great friends with your daddy?" I glared at her. 

"Levi and Noah started flirting with me before I even knew anything about them. Tell me something Vivian does it hurt to know that even with the impressive bank account you have he doesn't pay you any attention? I guess money isn't everything to him." Her smile dropped. I pushed past them and took two steps up before turning back to them. "Keep my father out of your mouth before I make you regret it." I ran up to the dorm and let out a puff of air. I hated Kevin for his title. He was one of the richest men in New Jersey. 

7'o clock rolls around and I debating on canceling. Just as I pick up my phone Noah comes walking in. I look up at him to see him wearing black joggers with a t-shirt to match. He gave me a confused look. "Are you okay?" I look away from him and take a deep breath. 

"Yeah, um look I'm not really feeling-." 

"Please tell me you aren't going to cancel?" I look at him. I opened my mouth to protest but he took a step towards me and I watched him. "What happened after you walked away?" I turned my head and sighed. 

"It's nothing." He took my hand causing me to look back at him. 

"If it is nothing why cancel?" I opened my mouth to protest but closed it. 

"You're right." He smiled. 

"Unless you have something better to do?" I smiled. 

"I can cancel my other plans." He chuckles. 

"Are you ready?" I nodded. 

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