Chapter 13

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"So Hope, what made you want to go to Princeton?" Jack asked. Jack was a member of DSP and he had a twin. They both were living at Levi's house outside of campus. But of course, when we got to Levi's house they had invited Kylo and Ethan as well. Not to mention Vivian and her friend Sadie along with three other girls I've never met. Everyone was drinking except for me. I had two shots and that was it. Although I was definitely feeling them. I wasn't a lite weight but they were double shots. 

"My mom went here and told me I would like it. She was head TPA." Vivian let out a dry laugh. She looked me up and down as I turned to her. 

"You're, mom? A member of TPA? Head TPA? Please no one would be desperate to make someone like you a member of TPA let alone Head." I cleared my throat as I crossed my arms. 

"What do you mean? Someone like me?" Sadie laughed now. 

"She means SWM." I glance at Sadie as Vivian laughs again. 

"Oh come on Sadie she wouldn't know what that means. She doesn't speak rich." Everyone let out a laugh and I glanced at Levi to see him laugh. I turned back to Vivian. 

"Someone without money?" I said. 

"Oh, maybe she does speak rich even though she isn't," Kylo said. Everyone laughed again. I glanced at Levi to see him laughing again. I nodded and stood up. 

"Where are you going, Hope?" I grabbed my jacket that was under Kylo's arm. 

"I'm leaving." She laughed.

"I'll tell you what? If you stay we will throw some money your way." I looked at her and picked up my water I was drinking. I threw it on her and she gasped. "You bitch." I gave her a fake smile. 

"I'm sorry poor people's hands are so clumsy." I turned and walked out of Levi's house. I texted and called Deon a few times hoping he would be able to come to get me but he didn't reply. After 40 minutes of no one answering and Levi not coming out to apologize I sighed and hit a contact. I began walking down the street until I got to the corner before I decided I was going to hit call. It rang twice before they picked up. 

"Hey," He said. I bit back the tears getting ready to pour out as I let out a shaky breath. "Are you okay?" He sounded alarmed. 

"No, actually I'm not. Is there any way you can come get me? I don't have my car with me or I wouldn't need a ride." 

"Where are you?" He asked. 

"I was at Levi's but I left and walked down the street," I said. 

"I'll be there in five minutes. Turn on your flashlight so I can see you on the side of the road." 

"Thank you, Noah."

"Don't mention it." He said before he hung up the phone. I sighed as I turned on my flashlight. I walked a little more as two guys were walking towards me from the sidewalk. I kept my eyes on the ground. 

"Hey, pretty lady." One said as he stopped me. I looked up at him and his friend. They smelled of alcohol. One was swaying as he walked. 

"Hey, guys," I said taking a step back. The one who was swaying grabbed my wrist. I looked at his hand before looking up at him. He smiled. 

"What's the matter pretty? We are all friends here." He laughed as did his friend. I looked at them both for a second. I tugged on my wrist breaking free only to be ganked back. I hissed at his grip as a car door shutting met my ears. 

"Get away from her." I heard Noah's voice. They looked at him with an angry look before they saw his face from the street light. 

"Noah?" One asked. Noah glared at them before looking at his grip on my wrist. 

"I said get away from her." They both backed up slowly before running down the street. I took a few deep breaths. I looked at Noah as he took another step towards me. I hugged him as I breathed heavily. "Are you okay?" I shake my head. 

"I have had a bad night," I whispered. I felt him nod. 

"Come on let me get you to my house." I pulled back to look up at him. "Relax my parents left an hour before you called." I nod. I walked into his house with him holding the door for me. Eric walked out of the living room and looked at me. Noah looks at him. "Where is Ivy?" 

"She's upstairs sleeping." Noah turned to me. 

"Follow me." He said. I did as he said and followed him to his room. I sat on his bed as he suggested and I hugged myself. He sat next to me and I looked at the ground. "What happened?" I took a deep breath. 

"Vivian started to make fun of me for not having money and instead of defending me, Levi just laughed with them. He laughed more than once." I said looking at him. He gave me an apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry," I shake my head. 

"He told me that it was wrong for me to be treated that way but makes no move to stop it? God do I have the worst taste in men." I mumbled. He grabs my wrist and scans it. I look at him to see him fixate.

"Does it hurt?" He asked with his eyes going on mine. 

"No," He traced his thumb over it and I glanced down at his lips. I leaned over towards him and placed a kiss on his lips. He kissed me back but it only lasted a few seconds until he pulled away. I looked at him. "I'm sorry I had a few shots," I spoke honestly. He smiles. 

"I don't have a problem kissing you I just know you are going through something and you are little tipsy. Or I would have kept going." I gave him a small smile. "Are you tired?" I nodded. 

"Yes," He nods. 

"Okay," I took a deep breath before looking up at him. 

"Do you think I could sleep in here with you? I just don't want to be alone right now?" He smiles. 

"Of course. Do you want to cuddle?" He asked. I nodded. He chuckles. 

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