𝙸. Chapter 16: "I'm Faster"

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There was this pain in her chest that she couldn't explain. Sarah knows she didn't get hit by any bullets so where was the pain coming from? It's when she turns her head and sees Pietro covered in bullet wounds.

"No," She whispers.

"I'm faster," he says. Sarah catches his head before it could reach the ground. Silent cries escape her lips. His eyes fall to hers and they never leave.

Steve runs over and shares a look with Clint before taking Pietro's limp body away from Sarah. She distraughtly follows Hawkeye and Captain America to the lifeboat.

Captain America places Pietro on the floor of the transporter his eyes never leaves Sarah. Her final tear falls as she slowly kisses Pietro's forehead. When she stands she watches a metal body fall from sky loosing it behind a tall building. Steve see's an all to familiar lethal look in her eyes.

"Where are you going?" Steve asks grabbing her arm.

"He's still out there, and I'm gonna kill him," she replies as she gets his hand to release her arm and teleports towards the wreckage.

Wanda felt drawn to Ultron, She surged all of her power and energy into her palm as she drew near Ultron's body. Sarah walks in along side of Wanda a blade already forming in her hand. Wanda kneels beside him, "Sarah. Wanda," he says quietly. "If you stay here, you'll die." He says almost sincerely, but they just glare down at him,

"We just did," Sarah exclaims getting on her knees she places her dagger to Ultron's metal throat. Ready to take out his voice box, not wanting to hear him speak anymore,

Wanda questions, "Do you know how it felt?" Before yanking his heart from his chest. "It felt like that," She finishes, holding up the leaking medal heart, his red eyes dims until there's no life left.

Their revenge was short lived. As a functional Iron legion crawled its way to the unguarded core.

Captain America was looking out in the distance for any sign of Sarah then Sokovia began to fall, he manages to run and jump on the lifeboat before it was out of reach.

Vision makes his way to the train, scaring Wanda when his arms wrap around her.

"Take care of her for me," Sarah says, the vision nods and disappears in the dust.

Sarah in-visions where she wants to go and uses her powers to get there. She takes a hard landing and hears the familiar sounds of guns cocking behind her.

"She's with us," Natasha says and they put their guns down.

"Can't be too careful, could've been anyone...I'm Nick Fury, we haven't met yet,"
He says holding out his hand, Maria looked at Sarah skeptically.

"Sarah...You're supposed to be dead," She mumbles the last bit.

"Got a last name Sarah,"

"I guess it should be Rogers, but I prefer to use my first name,"

"Rogers, as in Steve Rogers?" Maria Asks,

"Don't be so surprised Hill, she looks exactly like him," Natasha replies not looking up from the computer

"you knew," Hill questions,

"Dr. Cho got her DNA sample back, Clint and I were on comms when she told Steve,"

"...it's nice to meet you on the right side of things," Fury says, and Sarah nods her head slowly, the cost feeling too great for her.

Natasha finally gets a connection to the Quinjet, "Hey, Big Guy. We did it. The job's finished," Natasha smiles. Hulk turns around and walks closer to the screen "Now, I need you to turn this bird around, okay? We can't track you in stealth mode, so help me out. I need you-" The screen goes black before she could continue.



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