ii. Chapter 45: "My father made that shield!"

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Sarah coughed as smoke entered her lungs, she looked up to see the hole lab destroyed. Where did they go? Hearing grunts of pain echoing through facility Sarah looks up, her eyes searching for where the noise came from,

"This isn't going to change what happened," Steve pleads at Tony.

Tony snarls back, "I don't care. He killed my mom"

Now that Sarah heard, she starts making her way up, teleporting to the first platform she can see and does the same for the rest till she finds an opening.

"Stay down. Final warning," She hears tony say.

Steve ignores Tony, getting unsteadily to his feet, and he faces Tony once more. Taking on a loose fighting "I can do this all day," Steve huffs out.

Even between pain and exhaustion he still lifts his fists before his face.

When Bucky regains consciousness he weakly grabs Tony's ankle. While Tony was distracted Steve lifts him up only to throw him back on the ground.
Where he lays, Steve runs up to him grabs his shield, and mashes into Iron man's helmet a couple of times before it brakes off.

With his repulsor beam tony blasts Steve into a wall and he stands up. A blue knife comes flying in the air planting itself into Iron man's suit. Tony falls to his knees when his suit powers down he's barely able to stand.

"It's a target," Sarah remarks and Tony looks up, stunned, and in disbelief.

Sarah looked down at Tony's bloodied face, "I'm sorry Tony, I don't want you to hurt my family anymore,"

"You 'killed' my family," Tony spits,

"And I take full responsibility....Bucky does too,"

"Sarah," Steve says looking up at his daughter.

"No, dad. Don't make the excuse that it wasn't us, because it was. We may not have been in our right minds, but we still killed his parents," she turns back to tony, "I wish we can change what happened that day. If Bucky and I could go back and change what we did, we would in heartbeat...but we can't change the past Tony. We can only make a better future," Sarah says what she needed to say walking over to Captain America's shield lifting it up giving it a good feel before handing it to her father.

Steve rises unsteadily. Still breathing heavily, Tony turned with a pained grunt watching them go, he looks down at his arc reactor the dagger still in his chest. When it disappears the shattered remains of his arc reactor fall to the ground.

Steve leans heavily against Sarah while he reaches one hand out to Bucky. Steve finally placed his full weight on his own two feet as he shoulders his best friend.

Sarah held Bucky on his injured side while Steve slung Bucky's remaining human arm around his shoulders.

As the three walks away, "That shield doesn't belong to you," Tony bit out through his teeth, fighting the pain he's in he finishes with, "You don't deserve it!"

Sarah turned to Tony, rage in his eyes as he glares between her face and Steve's back.

"My father made that shield!" Tony yells, Steve halts. Briefly looking at Sarah before dropping his shield.

Tony watched them teleport out of there, spitting out blood he slowly crawls into a sitting position.

- ✪ -

"Captain," A voice comes behind him. Steve Turns to see T'challa holding Zemo in cuffs,

"Where did you get the cuffs from?" Sarah questions,

"My jet," He answers,

A small smile appears on Sarah's face, "So, you planned this?"

"I have two more cuffs in my jet, I can go get them,"

Sarah's eyes widen, "He has jokes," she says in amusement.

"Am I missing something?" Bucky asks.

"We have an understanding now," Sarah replies.

T'challa nods in agreement, "Sargent Barnes...I wanted to personally apologize for what has happened, I believed you and Ms. Rogers to be responsible for my father's murder. I know now his murder was the work of Zemo wanting vengeance," Turning to Sarah, "I've seen first hand what Hydra's programming can do, I want to offer my assistance. I know someone in Wakanda that may be able to purge your minds of it,"

"I don't know what to say," Bucky replies,

" A Thank you would suffice," T'challa says.

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