VI. Chapter 117: "The Mother Box has Awoken,"

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A little over 2 Years ago

Amazonian Temple


Sarah noted this place was heavily guarded, "Where are you taking me?" she asks, walking into the dimly lit dome-shaped temple.

     "I wanted to show you something, very important to Amazonian history,"

Sarah, now feet away from a dormant mother box uplifted on a podium. Her eyes lingered, questionably staring at the amount of Amazonian's that guard the box.

     "What is it?" Sarah says stepping towards it, but also making sure not to get to close.

     "A Mother Box. One of the three,"

Sarah circle's the object, still getting uneasy by the number of spears and arrows pointed at her, "Why all this?" gesturing to the guards,

     "We know one day it will be saught after. The Mother Boxes can't fall into the wrong hands," Hippolyta informs Sarah, "If they do we are all doomed,"

     "The other three must also be somewhere safe," Sarah figured.

     "Yes, One with man, and the other with the Atlantians,"

     "Atlanteans?...Atlantis? that place is a myth," She spoke with much confusion.

Hippolyta thinks nothing Of Sarah's ignorance, In fact, she blames it on the Atlantean's need to stay hidden from the likes of men, "The three boxes combine to form the unity," Sarah stares intensely at Hippolyta, "An apocalyptic power that would not only destroy worlds but transform them into a hellscape,"



Amazonian Temple


     "The Mother Box has awoken and yet nothing happened," Menalippe replies harshly, her eyes never leaving the cube.

     "It had slept for thousands of years since the first age," the Queen turns towards Menalippe, "Why did it wake at all?" the question mumbles off her lips.

Suddenly the mother box grew louder, it began to shake violently. The Amazon's drew their swords, their shields at the ready. The cube, then releases a shockwave, throwing some warriors against the wall.

A portal streams down.


A hideous creature, lands.

At first glance, the Amazonian's already knows who this creature is, "Steppenwolf," a warrior hisses, glaring at the monster, baring thorns upon its head.

     "Mother," Steppenwolf breaths out, "Millennia in exile, searching," falling to one knee.

The Amazonian's watched with much caution.

Steppenwolf kneels"At last you call me home," Steppenwolf adds.

Hippolyta, slightly stepping forward, "You will not like your welcome," She says gripping her sword firmly.

Steppenwolf smiles. Whoever thought it could be possible?

     "Oh, I think I will," Steppenwolf answers raising his ax towards the portal. He slams it towards the ground calling for multiple Parademons to fly out.

The battle began.

Amazonian shields were no match for the Parademon's weapons, the red beams shot right threw. Panic reaches Hippolyta's eyes, she turns towards Menalippe, "Gather the legion!" Hippolyta yells amongst the chaos.

Menalippe agrees, "We must seal the cage," she yells back,

     "Go," the queen says simply. Menalippe was hesitant in her decision to leave her queen.

With gritted teeth, she runs towards the exit

Amazons held Steppenwolf back as he tries to take the mother box, Hippolyta wraps her Lasso around the cube and pulls into her chest before, even Steppenwolf could lay a fingertip on the box.

     "Yes," Steppenwolf smiles as he watches Hippolyta run away with the box, "Run," He challenges.

     "Seal the gates!" Hippolyta yells.

The Warriors follow her orders.

With each gate she passes, the two Amazon's on either side, hit the pillars with a large hammer. She reaches the last stone wall, it begins to collapse right in front of her, picking up her speed the two Amazonian's stand firmly underneath it, holding the gate long enough for their queen to slide through.

Hippolyta hands the Mother Box over to one of her mounted warriors, "Keep it moving," The Amazon's didn't hesitate open hearing the order.

Steppenwolf uses his Ax to slash his way out of the Temple. Upon his escape, he leaps towards the Amazon's on horseback, throwing his hammer down. The earth under the horse's feet breaks apart, leaving the Amazon's to fly off their horses.

The Queen was far ahead of Steppenwolf and his Parademons, the Amazon's managed to get the Mother Box to Hippolyta, with the loss of their lives.

Hippolyta gripped the reigns tightly only to have Steppenwolf to slam into her horse. The force sends her and Amazon holding the box crashing to the dirt. The Mother Box rolls to a halt just inches away from Steppenwolf.

She looks up, breathing heavily. Hearing the cries of one of her warrior's, she stands quickly, sprinting towards the warrior that's burried under the horse.

Hippolyta comforts the woman, while Stepphenwolf bends over to pick up the Mother Box, "Noble Queen, why do you fight?" He questions, admiring the box, "After the unity, you will join my legion, and you will know the righteousness of power,"

Hippolyta draws her bow. She releases on arrow, Steppenwolf swipes it away. In anger, The Queen readies another arrow.

Steppenwolf smiles, "You will love me,"

The screams of the legion echoes in the hills, Hippolyta turns her attention towards them.

      "You all will," Steppenwolf responds facing the hundreds of woman ridding towards him.

Without another word he disappears before the legion's arrows could reach him.

Hippolyta stands, turning towards Menalippe she says,  "We have to the light the ancient warning  fire."

     "The fire has not burned for five thousand years," Menalippe says shaking her head, "Men won't know what it means.

     "Men won't, but 'they' will,"

     "Sarah? Diana?" Menalippe relays the names.

Hippolyta nodds.


Hippolyta drew back an arrow, resting its fletches against her cheek. Sighting down the arrow  she whispers, "Listen to me," before releasing it. It sores above the island of Themyscira, Finally desending towards the city of Athens.

The Arrow lands into the Temple of the Amazons, igniting a flame.

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