ii. Chapter 30: "Who the hell is Sarah?"

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RedStar comes out the Shadows. Sam manages to avoid her incoming fist by ducking. He's barely able to stand before he gets punch in his stomach, leaving his neck vulnerable. Sarah grabs his jaw and easily throws him over her shoulder into Bucky's cell. Steve sees this, but before he can confront her the Winter Soldier's vibranium arm flies his way. Steve drops Zemo and ducks under The Winter Soldiers arm. Before his brainwashed best friend could retaliate, Steve punches him in the face which only makes the Winter Soldier angrier.

     "Sarah," Sam Groans his vision still betraying him, red star looks down at the injured man and questions, "Who the hell his Sarah?" before helping her partner.

Steve and the Winter Soldier took their fight farther down the hall, no one really getting any good hits in, the elevator that Steve's back hits is the only thing that is suffering. The Winter Soldier aims his fist at Steve's chest, Steve quickly grabs his metal arm. The Winter Soldier manages to keep Steve there long enough for Sarah to drop kick him. The force of the kick, sends Steve down the Elevator shaft.

Without a care the winter soldier says, "Come on, let's go," He says to Sarah following the orders of Zemo to 'take care of whomever gets in your way' and 'get out of here'

Sam looks towards the elevator, the room still blurry for him, but he still manages to see Zemo, "Hey," he calls and zemo turns towards to sam before making his escape.

Steve, rolling to his stomach, manages a groan, 'How did this happen?' he thinks, before standing up.

Among the chaos within the control room, Everett Ross is doing his best to control the situation,"Evac all civilians," Ross orders into his walkie-talkie, "-and Get me a perimeter around the building, and gunships in the air," Natasha and Tony hurries past him, "Please tell me you brought a suit," Natasha says, as the make there way through the complex

     "Sure did," Stark replies, "It's a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button," Sarcasm evident in his voice before he snaps, "I'm an active-duty non-combatant,"

     "Follow me," Sharon says coming up from behind them,

Red Star follows her partner the Winter Soldier, he was always the one to lead their missions. Many stairs were skipped upon reaching the food court. Two agents armed with batons came at them, but they were easy to take down.

"We're in position," Natasha radio's Tony referring to her and Sharon.

From behind a pillar Tony Stark activates his watch and pulls an iron man glove over his hand. The Winter Soldier holds a gun in his hand aimed at an agent, Before he could fire Tony stuns both him and Redstar with a sonic blast. They turn in the direction of Tony only being dazed for a couple seconds.

Tony advances towards them, leaving Sharon Carter and Black Widow an opening to go for Redstar.

Seeing Tony down, Widow runs at the Winter Soldier and knees him. She manages to wrap her legs around his neck. She punches his head a few times before slamming her into a table and chocking her, "You could at least recognize me," She says trying to pull his arm from around her throat. T'challa intervenes which helps Natasha breathe again. T'challa kicks the Winter Soldier back a couple of times.

With her hand around Sharon's throat she looks over to her partner. He shares a look with her before saying, "Go, I have them," in her distraction Sharon pulls out a miniature device from her pocket and activates it around Redstar's neck. Sharon puts all the strength she has left into her legs, kicking Redstar back, her grip around Sharon's throat lessons.

No longer able to use her powers to teleport away, they head to the roof, making a beeline to the lone helicopter. She settles into the passenger seat as the Winter Soldier starts the aircraft. The propellers start and the helicopter begins to lift off the helipad.

    "That's weird," The winter soldier replies. He's moving the controls, but they're not flying anywhere. When he looks down at the Helipad he sees why. Steve was holding the Helicopter and the rails to the building. Annoyed, Redstar pushes the joystick towards Steve in hopes to get him to let go.

Alarms blazing, the Helicopter was out of control, spinning so much that it causes redstar's head to jerk towards her window. The glass shatters, but no one could hear it over the commotion. Sarah reaches for her head, finally coming too when the helicopter stops spinning upside down.

     "Bucky," she says looking over to him. Seeing him eyeing Steve before he punches his metal arm through the window and latches it around his throat,

The Helicopter begins shifting, it's so close to the edge that it could fall off, "Bucky let go of him," though he didn't listen and they fall through the air towards the water below. Seeing the water approaching Sarah holds her breathe.

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