𝐈𝐈𝐈. Chapter 47: "Soul Stone, let your magic flow through..."

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Statesman-Asgardian Vessel


The Statesman now holds the last inhabitants of Asgard. Among the ship, traveling through the vastness of space, King Thor and His brother Loki stand side by side glancing out a window seeing the beauty of space.

In the recent events of Their planet being destroyed, Loki managed to redeem himself- for his brother's standards- he's still caused a lot of destruction on his way, it may take the rest of the vast universe a while for them to forgive him.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki asks.

"Yes. Of course. The people of Earth love me. I'm very popular," Thor replies stubbornly.

"Let me rephrase that...Do you really think it's a good idea to bring 'me' back to Earth?"

"Probably not, to be honest. I wouldn't worry, brother. I feel like everything's gonna work out fine," Thor replies.

The light from a nearby star gets blocked by a massive ship, Thor's smile fades quickly. The massive ship makes the Statesman look like an escape pod.

Without warning, The Sanctuary II fires upon the Statesman. Soon parts of the statesman broke off, not before a pilot of the Statesman sends out a distress signal on loop, "This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range," The voice gradually gets more desperate,"We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat this is not a warcraft!"

The last remaining atmospheric-and breathable- part of the Statesman is boarded by Thanos, the Mad Titan, and his children. Loki, looked around uneasily at the bodies of his people. Some of them he got to know during his brief-few year-reign.

"Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the great Titan," Ebony Maw began, "You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales will be tipped towards the balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. Because even in death, you have become children of Thanos,"

Maw passes by Loki after stepping over a few dead Asgardians-like there live's meant nothing- and walks up to the golden armored, purple titan known as Thanos.

Thor lays at Thanos' feet. Thano's looks down at him, briefly, before turning to Loki, Who stood a couple of feet away, "I know what it's like to lose, To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless," Thanos began, his deep voice would send chills down anyone's spine.

Thanos looks from Loki to Thor. He stands in silence before bending down and lifts thor by his breastplate, Thor struggles as Thanos makes his way to Loki, "It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly," But I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I AM," Thanos says clenching his hand into a fist. Showing off the Infinity Gauntlet on his left hand. The Gauntlet only has one stone, The power stone, he recently just acquired it after decimating Xandar.

Thanos grips Thor's skull, "You talk too much," Thor lets out.

"The Tesseract. Or, your brother's head," Thanos bargains, his gauntlet already trained at Thor's head, "I assume you have a preference?" He questions,

"Oh I do...kill away," Loki says as if he doesn't care. Thanos looks up in shock, before placing the glove to Thor's head, The power stone burns into Thor's left temple. He cries in Agony, It felt like an eternity for Thor, he didn't know when the pain would stop, or IF the pain would stop.

There was a subtle smile on Loki's face that even Thanos could see. With each passing second his smile turns into concern, It didn't help that he was watching his brother suffer. He couldn't take it anymore, "Alright stop!" He yells, giving in. Thanos complies pulling the gauntlet away from Thor's head.

Thor takes in a couple of relaxing breathes as the pain begins to fade, "We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard," He grunts out.

There is a look of regret on Loki's face before he raises his hand, The blue cube, otherwise known as the tesseract, appears in Loki's grasp. Thor looks up to see the Cube, "You really are the worst brother,"

Stepping closer to Thanos, never taking his eyes off Thor, Loki says, "I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again," as if he is conveying a secret message to him.

In a chuckle, "Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian," Thanos spits.

"For one thing, I'm not Asgardian," Now standing right in front of Thanos, "-And for another,"

Loki takes a brief pause before saying, "We have a Hulk,"

A loud roar steals Thanos' attention, in his distraction, Loki tackles Thor out the way-also dropping the tesseract-before The hulk could smash them. Hulk and Thanos began to fight. Hulk is able to land Punch after Punch cornering Thanos into a wall, and strangling him. Thinking his father's in Parole, Cull Obsidian takes a step forward before he is stopped by Maw, "He is just having fun. Let him have it," He replies.

With ease, Thanos began pulling Hulk's arms off him. This time Thanos was the one getting Punch after Punch in, Hulk didn't stand a chance. Hulk is thrown through a pillar and kneed in the face. Thanos picks him up and throws him onto the ground.

Thanos looks down at the Unconcious hulk.

Thor grabs a pipe off the floor and rushes to Thanos before hitting him in the back of the head. It didn't do anything, Just pissed him off, even more. Thanos punched him and Maw took the time to wrap several pieces of metal debris around him.

Regaining consciousness Heimdal looks over to his king, "Soul Stone," he calls, hearing his whisper Thanos looks over to him, "Let your magic flow through me one. last. time," he groans as he reaches out his hand towards the hulk.

A great beam of light passes through, hitting Hulk. Heimdall smiles in satisfaction, "That was a mistake," Thanos says borrowing Corvus' glaive and stabs Heimdall in the chest with it.

Even in death, Heimdall kept his smile. He didn't want to show weakness. When Heimdall takes his last breaths his notable orange eyes fade to white.

In his grief, Thor says, "You're going to die for that," to Thanos. Maw swipes his hand towards Thor, His mouth is then covered by more debris.

Author's Note

I hope you guys like the little twist I did with Heimdall's words, I have something planed for that. It will all make sense by the end of the book :) Please vote and leave comments, I love to read them, and reply to them.

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