ii. Chapter 40: "I got a heat signatures,"

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They reached the facility and ready their weapons. Bucky with a rifle, Steve with his shield and Sarah with a strong grip on her daggers,

Steve lowers the ramp, the cold wind of Siberia coming into the jet. It doesn't seem to bother any of them. Sarah stood at the end of the ramp staring off towards the facility, "he's here," she says noticing the doors are open, "We could've been here hours ago, if you let me teleport here," she finishes with an annoyed tone to her voice,

"You said it yourself, your memories of this place are foggy. We could've been stranded somewhere, I wasn't taking that risk. We're here now, that's all that matters," Steve concludes before glancing at Bucky, he looked tense as he stared down the snowy terrain.

Steve squints his eyes, Questionably.

"Bucky?" When Steve gets Bucky's attention he continues, "You remember that time, we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve questions trying to get his mind off of what got him so tense,

Bucky pauses, thinking for a second, to his surprise he remembers something, so of course his first reaction was to question whether or not it was the right memory, "Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?" He asks, a smile breaking out across his face when he sees Steve nods, "You blew three bucks, trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead,"Steve accuses jokingly.

Bucky chuckles "What was her name again?"

"Dolores," Steve answers, "You called her 'Dot'."

Sarah gasps realizing the name 'Dot' reminded her of something, "Guess I'm not going to finish that new show shadow hunters," she replies feeling defeated.

Bucky just smiles, Turning to Steve "Your daughter had me watching all these movies and television shows. I couldn't catch up,"

"You are a hundred years old," She replies jokingly,

"So are you," Bucky counters.

"So are 'we', pal," Steve corrects him placing a hand on his shoulder. Sarah turns and crosses her arms, "Wish I had my camera, this is something I'd love to remember,"

Steve, Sarah Bucky makes their way towards the base. They arrived cautiously, "He can't have been here more than a few hours," Steve comments, "That's Long enough to wake them up, " Sarah says and Steve looks to her, 'We just talked about this,' he thinks.

They slowly made their way inside, Steve leading the way with his shield held tightly. They reached a rickety old elevator.

The elevator arrives in the basement and Steve pulls up the gate giving them a better view of the dim corridor. Steve glances out the doors,
Bucky moved to lead the way this time, he raises the rifle as he made his way carefully down the corridor.

"This is very familiar," Sarah mumbles she was in the middle of Bucky and Steve. Steve had his back to them, keeping his shield raised. He's ready to protect them in the event they come under attack.

Bucky slowly made his way up the stairs at the end of the corridor, Sarah made it about half way up when suddenly a noise comes from the elevator had them both spinning on their heels. Steve lifted his shield to cover them, Bucky held his gun over Steve's shoulder, while Sarah has her daggers ready to throw.

There was another loud creak from inside the elevator, "You guys ready?" Steve asks quietly

"Yeah." They replied with determination, Their eyes never leaving the elevator.

The doors creaked again, as they were hauled open Steve blinks in surprise. He was staring at Iron Man.

Steve lowered his shield, Iron Man mask folds back revealing Tony's face.

"You seem a little defensive," Tony says as slowly makes his way over towards the trio. Steve also steps closer cautiously, Leaving Bucky and Sarah on the stairs. Bucky kept his gun trained on Tony, while Sarah was slowly lowering her daggers.

"It's been a long day," Steve calls back,

Tony glances up at Bucky seeing his weapon aimed at him, "At ease, soldier. I'm not currently after you," He says.

"Then why are you here?" Steve questions, watching Tony suspiciously.

Tony sighs, "Maybe just maybe, your story is not so crazy,"

Steve raises an eye brow before letting Tony continue, "Ross has no idea I'm here, I'd like to keep it that way,"

He leaned against a nearby pillar, and jokingly comments, "Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself."

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paper work,"

Tony snorts. Steve finally lowers his shield, "It's good to see you, Tony," Steve offers,

"You too, Cap," Tony then glances up at Bucky and Sarah, "You're killing me guys. There's a truce here, you can drop your weapons,"

Steve glances back at them and sends them a nod, gesturing them to listen to tony. Sarah makes her daggers disappear and Bucky slowly lowers his  rifle.

Tony carefully led the way towards the deepest part of the facility. Glancing around continuously Sarah's eyes land on the cracked Windows. Her eyes close as she tries to plague the memory from her mind, "Sarah? You alright?," Steve says noticing that she stopped walking.

"Yeah," she lies as another wave of memory hits her. The broken glass was because of her, she remembers fighting with some Hydra agents after her and Bucky came back from a mission, they were almost dragging her to get her memory wiped

"It's okay," Bucky whispers placing a hand on her shoulder, she almost attacked him right then and there.

"You didn't do anything you just stood there," She replies as her forehead falls into her hand,

"I'm sorry," Bucky replies.

"Come on guys," Tony calls, "I got heat signatures," Sarah raises her head, everything she was feeling she pushed behind her after hearing that. The Winter Soldiers are more important right now,

"How many?" Steve asks,

"Uh, one," Tony replies,

Tony slowly walks into the lab with his hand raised Steve, Bucky and Sarah on his tail.

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