YAY 5: History

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Y/n's POV:
I noticed Nayeon glance at me from time to time. Just what's with her?

Professor IU went in and I swear, I caught a sparkle at Nayeon's eyes. Huh...weird.

"Good morning class! Today, we'll be studying on how we got our powers." She said as everybody groaned except me.
"You need to listen class or you'll fail at my subject." She threatened pointing her stick at each of us. Her gaze focused at me and Nayeon...Just what the hell is with me and her?!

"First of all, does anybody knows what Yin and Yang means?" She said looking around for somebody to answer until Nayeon's hand raised.

"It means that, Positive and Negative energy is equal. To make it simple, Good and Bad balanced." She said sitting down still at her emotionless face.
"Very good Ms. Im! 10 points for Phoenix!" She said as we heard cheers and groans.
"Now, does anybody knows the story of the Yin and Yang of life?" She asked but nobody answered. I knew the story but...just a little of it. She sighed and opened her book then smiled at us before reading.

"A long time ago...there were no seas, soil, sky, stars, moon, animals and plants. Only darkness...But in one place, there's a light. Its the Supreme being. He got sad and bored because he's the only one living at this pure darkness.."

"Ugh..this is so boring"

"I would rather sleep than listening to this"

"I'm getting sleepy"

I glanced at Nayeon, she wasn't listening. Her head's at the desk probably sleeping..

Looks like its just me who is interested in this.

"So..he created a big ball and placed it infront of him. He held his hands out and the ball was covered by land. His tears became seas, oceans and lakes. His breath became the wind and the sky. He's eyes became the stars to watch us at day and night. He made the sun and the moon to give us light at times its dark. He created plants and animals all kinds of it."

Ms. IU looked at me and smiled.

"Then, he created the first Woman and Man. He named them, Adam and Eve. At first they were good but as days past by they betrayed him. He knew this would happen and they went to a place called Wandering where they wandered for the rest of their life."

Nayeon looked up with her chin at her arms still at the desk.

"Years passed, and God made humans again. But this time, he's unsatisfied. People became greedy and selfish!" She surprisingly said surprising Yeri who is sleeping.

"He wanted it to be balanced. So, he made the Yin and Yang of life. It worked over the years and so on until today.." she continued then put her book down.

I raised my hand up, "what will happen if one of them dies?" I asked. I saw Nayeon flinched at my sudden question.
"If one of them dies, good or bad. The world we'll be in chaos. Demons from the underworld we'll raise from the land and Negativity will surround the world." She said staring intensely at me.


I went to the library to know more about the story.

I went to the history section. Then, I saw a logo of Yin and Yang. I quickly pulled it and went to a desk with a chair. Opening it, it looks like its so old!

This is what it looks like at the cover

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This is what it looks like at the cover. Its a little creepy but I want to know the true meaning of thi--wait..

I quickly rushed to the librarian to borrow the book which she agreed as I stormed at the dorm. There, I saw Nayeon playing with her bunny...aww so cutee!

I went to my bed and opened the book that Irene gave to me.

"What is the truth about the Yin and Yang?" I asked. I waited but its still not showing answers to me!

I clicked my tongue because of frustration, Nayeon noticed it too. She looked at me suspiciously. Her eyes widen when she saw the book I'm holding. She suddenly stormed out of our dorm. Wut? Weird..

"Ugh why won't it answer me?!" I yelled out of frustration. Mallow went beside me and licked my hand. I smiled and pet her until I fell asleep.

Someone's POV:

"Woah, why are you panting?!" Jeongyeon asked me.
"I have something to say." I said painly. We sat at the floor as they listened attentively to me.

"I found the Yang of life.." I said looking intensely at Y/n and I's room.
"H-how?! Where is the Yang?" Dahyun asked. Jihyo shushed her because she was too loud.
I looked at our room, the door's slightly open so I can see her sleeping.
"What do you think about the Yang of Life?" I asked, they looked at me before answering.

"Its bad" they all said.

I sighed looking at Y/n peacefully sleeping.


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