YAY 21: Competing?

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Y/n's POV:

"Did you ask somebody who is older to put it for you?" Snape asked. I just shook my head.
"She's lying! Its seen from her eyes!" Snape said pointing his fingers at me while talking to the Headmasters. I just hung my head low since I really can't understand what's happening.

"But, what can we do? The Goblet chose her." Ms. IU said as they all looked at me.
HM Jyp nim just put his hand at his chin thinking.

"We can't change it, she'll need to compete." He said sighing.
"But, Headmaster--" Ms. IU complained but cutted off by Professor Taecyeon who put his hand at her shoulder.

"She'll die Headmaster!" She exclaimed.
"Then, you should look after her Ms. Ji eun." Jyp said smiling before leaving.

I sighed before looking at the other competitors. We're only 3, they're older but they don't look old!


I went to our locker room to change in casual clothes for our PE. This time, we're having sports.

"Hey, what did you guys talked about?" Jeongyeon whispered at my ear.
"I'll tell it later at the common room." I replied as she focused at Prof. Namjoon.

"Today, we'll be doing a human sport. Basketball." He said at a snap of his fingers, a ball appeared at his hand.
"Coach Yoongi here will teach you guys the basics, i'll group you guys into 2. The others get to cheer." He explained, as he pulled out his clipboard.

"For Group 1, Min Y/n, Yoo Jeongyeon, Kang Seulgi, Lisa Manoban, Moonbyul and Yuna." He announced as we lined up High fiving each other.
"For Group 2, Son Chaeyoung,Kim Yerim, Wheein, Solar,Hirai Momo and Minatozaki Sana." He stated as they lined up too.

"This ball, needs to be shot at the opposing team's hoop. The farther you are, the higher score you will have when you shoot the ball. But, don't pass the baseline, that's a warning." Coach Yoongi said.

*sorry guys, I don't know the positions of basketball. And i don't know the rules. So bare with me.*

We all went to our positions, as I have the ball.

I saw Sana stumble while I shoot the ball earning us 3 points.

Yeri looked...hyped but she can't shoot because of her height. She keep doing the concentrate thingy while her hands at her face. So basically, that's what she did.

Momo and Sana sometimes argue but its cute tho.

Solar, and Chaeyoung are the ones scoring...mostly.

Wheein? She can't be seen because of her small height. She's like a cute dwarf playing basketball.

So, its 27-8. When suddenly, our names were being called. Well, mostly me.






I giggled and waved a little.

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