YAY 16: Quidditch

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Y/n's POV:

Now, we're here at the field with Irene. Well, she's invisible tho. We're here to practice Quidditch. Actually, we're up against Dragons. I heard they're keeper is good which made me worried.

Our teams are:

Beaters: Lisa and Moonbyul.
Chasers: Jungkook, Jimin and Solar.
Keeper: Nayeon.
Seeker: Y/n

Lisa, Moonbyul and I became friends. They're literally the energy of the group. While the Chasers, argues always. The keeper? Well, she's quiet as usual as I look at them in chaos.

"Alright, everyone let's start!" Jungkook yelled repairing his damaged hair because of Solar.
"Okay!" We all yelled as we start to practice.


I went to the library to know for the rules. Well, even tho I'm a big fan of Quidditch. I don't actually know the rules. Well, I know some of it. You guys ask how? Well, back when we were training. I got to saw some quidditch matches in tv so...yeah. I don't get some of it.

I saw the book! To be honest, I just wanted to grab the Yang Book to ask but. I guess Irene took it because she kept on saying that I'm getting lazy this days. So here I am, manually finding the rules.

I opened it as dust flew to my face.

Oh, Magic's forbidden. Good, good. So its the original Hogwarts Quidditch? Cool!

"What a shame, Min Y/n doesn't know the rules?" I heard Jungkook's voice behind me.
"Why do you care? Its my first time afterall!" I said, good thing Madam Pince is here or else i'll be shelving books.
"Why did Ms. IU even picked you as a seeker? You look....pitiful." He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes looking back at the book.

I stood up bringing the book at my left hand before walking through him.

"Don't look down on me. Who knows, I might be the reason we'll win not you Captain." I stated before leaving.

The next day, we're gonna be watching Snakes vs Tigers. Who wins advance to the finals, then tomorrow is our match.

Nayeon is beside me quietly watching the battle. As usual, Snakes won because they beaten up the keeper so the Chasers kept on shooting the quaffle which made them win.

I looked at Nayeon worried and nervous. Who knows she'll be like that Keeper who fell from his broom.

"Stop staring Min." Nayeon said her eyes focused at the Beaters who are celebrating.
I looked away blushing while looking down. Wait, blushing? That's new...

3rd Person's POV:

Twice gathered again at the Great Hall, they're just eating breakfast.

"Nayeon, you seem serious. Do you have something to say?" Jihyo asked their leader.
"The Snake's beaters, Krystal and Amber. They looked at Y/n with suspicious looks." She said with her head low. As the others focused at their leader.

"You watched their match with Tigers right?" Nayeon asked. As the others nodded.
"I think that..." she trailed off, remembering how Y/n stared at her with worry visible at her eyes naking her to blush a little.

"Are you blushing?" Jeongyeon said with a sly smile, you can actually see some horns at her head and a tail.
"N-no!!" Nayeon snapped at Jeongyeon. The latter just smirked at their leader knowing what's happening.

"I just think that, they're target is Y/n. In quidditch if we did win against Dragons." She said seriously with intense eyes.

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